Grocery prices to slide as Aldi, Costco nab 20 per cent market share

A former Aldi executive says supermarket giants Woolworths and Coles need to spruik their huge product range and services such as delicatessens to battle Aldi's cheaper but utilitarian offer.

Paul Foley, who spent 23 years at Aldi and helped the German discount supermarket set up in Australia, said: "What I think the incumbents have to do is market the choice that they're offering, and they have to be first to market with new concepts."

Aldi can make better profit margins by stocking  more private-label products and a smaller range overall.
Aldi can make better profit margins by stocking more private-label products and a smaller range overall. Photo: David Mariuz

"Discounters can't offer labour-intensive areas of food retailing so these are the areas in which full-line supermarkets [such as Woolworths and Coles] need to pitch."

Mr Foley ran Aldi's UK and Ireland business for 10 years until 2009. He now runs a retail consultancy in Austria.

Paul Foley, retail consultant and former Aldi executive.
Paul Foley, retail consultant and former Aldi executive. 

Woolworths, Coles and wholesaler Metcash are cutting product prices and product range to fight Aldi, which has an estimated 10 per cent of Australia's $90 billion-odd grocery market and is expanding into South Australia and Western Australia. 

The good news for shoppers is grocery prices will continue to fall, Mr Foley said.


"I suspect that to try  and win back some of the lost market share there will be further price and margin reductions from Coles, Woolworths and Metcash," he told Fairfax Media.

"This is pretty good news for the consumer because even if you don't shop at Aldi, you benefit from the other chains coming down in price."

Woolworths until recently had the highest supermarket profit margins in the world. The competition regulator described it and Coles last year as a "very cosy duopoly".

Aldi opened its first store in Australia at the turn of the century. Mr Foley said Aldi was lured by the country's high profit margins, its high wages, its lack of discounters, and the dominant supermarkets being listed and therefore slow to react.

"Australian food retailers and and FMCG [fast-moving consumer goods] retailers had for the previous 20 years made levels of profit difficult to make elsewhere in the world. Prices are high, profits are high, and that is a red-flag opportunity. It's really like waving a flag saying, 'come here'," he said.

"If you have someone earning pretty much double what the rest of the world is able to earn, it's much easier for a discounter. So that is basically the Aldi story [in Australia], and pretty much the [US warehouse chain] Costco story too."

With a small product range – Aldi in Australia sells just 1350 products – discounters are more labour productive than supermarkets that sell tens of thousands of products.

And because they predominantly sell higher-margin private-label products, they are able to price them about 20 per cent cheaper, Mr Foley said.

Mr Foley said no full-line supermarket had won a price war against discounters without running at a loss or a much lower level of profitability. "It is possible but it's extremely painful because almost the only way to do it is to reduce prices," he said.

Mr Foley estimated Aldi would have between 700 and 800 stores over the next seven to eight years, and would nab 15 per cent market share.

The under-the-radar Costco would open at least another 20 stores, and gain 5 per cent market share, he said.

This would leave Woolworths, Coles and Metcash-supplied independent supermarkets such as IGA, FoodWorks and Foodland with a combined 80 per cent market share – albeit in a market that is much less lucrative for retailers.

"What happens once the market is mature, the consumer uses both options according to their mission, so they shop in full-line supermarkets when they want to experience choice, and when they don't want choice they use a discounter because of the price saving."