
Latest commentary

A non-idiot abroad: Malcolm Turnbull presents an Australian story

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull speaks during the Summit for Refugees and Migrants at UN headquarters.

An increasingly sure-footed Malcolm Turnbull spent last week in New York and Washington jawboning legislators about two complicated challenges nipping at the sovereignty of the modern nation state and its collective conscience: protectionism and irregular migration.

Ripped off by regulation

Our regulatory system is not hip.

Australians who have private health insurance insure are paying through the nose, and it's not because the insurers are greedy

The hardest words for an author to write

To acknowledge, or to not acknowledge? That is the question.

Writing book acknowledgments can be so fraught. It should be a moment of triumph, cheer, relief. But there are so many potential pitfalls – forgetting people, sounding like a tosser, omitting crucial research assistance, sounding like a tosser, being excessively sentimental and sounding like a tosser.

In tune with one another

Robert Forster and Grant McLennan.

You can read this as a book about the music industry. You can read it as a book about the mysterious synergies of art. Or you can read it is a book about the non-erotic love that can exist between men. It is a theme which arises in sport where it is quickly reduced to clichés and thereby belittled. This book is much more like the real thing.

Let's stop driving blindly on Muslim stereotypes

Malcolm Turnbull braved the Muslim Museum, and made it out OK. Maybe Pauline Hanson should follow the PM's lead.

Pauline Hanson asked how to determine "the good Muslims from the bad Muslims." You meet them. They are currently very, very keen to make contact with us. As a starting point I recommend a coffee and a tour of the Islamic Museum. Once you've made friends, everyone feels safer. It's a win-win.

Australia is on the cusp of a dangerous crisis

Pauline Hanson in her office in Albion, Brisbane, Queensland, 27 May 2016

The Western world this week crossed a threshold into a new intolerance. Australia, which has been spared the worst of the economic and social disarray of the US and Europe in the last decade, nonetheless seems to have crossed the ugly threshold too.

Your rights to a medical second opinion

Every time you visit a GP, you will be forced to pay more so GPs can continue their excellent work.

Have you ever had the feeling that your child is sicker than the doctors think? Is your gut telling you there's something more sinister than what the doctor or nurse has diagnosed or recommended, but you just don't know how to approach the situation?

PSOs on stations - a derailed policy

 Expensive presence: PSOs at Dandenong Station.

Some government policies are smart, some may be unpopular but wise, there are those that appear to be good ideas at the time and then there are those that are simply spectacularly stupid.

In Passing

Noel Duggan, Ciaran Brennan, Moya Brennan, Padraig Duggan and Paul Brennan of Irish group Clannad.

Padraig Duggan, Deborah S. Jin, Dorothy Cann Hamilton