
Rudd’s List

Published: October 6, 2016
Written by Andrew Rosthorn

The Times, London October 5: Companies will be forced to reveal how many foreign workers they employ under government plans to shame bosses who fail to take on British staff. …

Fathers and Their Daughters

Published: October 4, 2016
Written by Harold Elletson
Horst Kasner and Hubert Brasier

I have never felt so ashamed for having once been a Tory MP as when I heard the Prime Minister address the Conservative Party conference on Sunday. Wearing a black …

Corbyn maps out ‘road of advance’

Published: September 28, 2016
Written by Ian Hernon

Jeremy Corbyn wound up the Labour conference in Liverpool by saying that the movement must now focus on forming the next government. After months of splits, divisions and in-fighting, he …

Don’t it always seem to go…

Published: September 28, 2016
Written by Andrew Rosthorn

In a skeleton argument for next month’s High Court battle against the government, Helen Mountfield QC has listed the human rights we will forfeit in a Brexit without parliamentary approval. …

Labour pledges right to quality childcare

Published: September 27, 2016
Written by Ian Hernon

Shadow education secretary Angela Rayner has launched a Labour taskforce at the party’s annual conference in Liverpool to “transform early years provision” for all families, saying that every parent should …

Corbyn calls for more grassroots power

Published: September 26, 2016
Written by Ian Hernon

Jeremy Corbyn has promised to hand more power to grassroots Labour activists but insisted that most sitting MPs need have no fear of deselection. The re-elected Leader said that, after …

Corbyn wins with increased mandate

Published: September 24, 2016
Written by Ian Hernon

Jeremy Corbyn was re-elected as Labour leader, comfortably defeating his challenger Owen Smith, and scoring 61.8% of the total vote, a larger margin of victory than last year. He said …

Corbyn readies Labour for snap election

Published: September 23, 2016
Written by Ian Hernon

Jeremy Corbyn told party activists after Labour’s bruising Leadership contest: “Together we are very, very strong”. From now on the party’s priority must be “reaching out, involving people in politics …

BBC losing out on iPlayer fees

Published: September 23, 2016
Written by David Hencke

The cash strapped BBC is failing to recover tens of millions of pounds for broadcasters by not having  an up to date strategy on licence evaders. A report by the …

TUC to back corporate probe

Published: September 23, 2016
Written by Ian Hernon

TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady has backed a Commons probe into corporate governance which will focus on excessive executive pay and the make-up of boardrooms. The move by the business, …

News In Brief

Published: September 23, 2016
Written by Tribune web editor

By-elections after the death of Labour MP Jo Cox and the resignation of former Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron will be held on 20 October. Mrs Cox was killed in …

No Brexit talks for a year

Published: September 23, 2016
Written by James Douglas

Former European Council president Herman Van Rompuy warned that substantive Brexit talks between the UK and the rest of the EU are unlikely to start much before the end of …

Saudi arms sales slammed

Published: September 23, 2016
Written by James Douglas

The foreign affairs select committee has ruled that British courts should decide the legality of Government arms exports to Saudi Arabia. The MPs backed calls for the UK to suspend …

Girls suffer abuse at school

Published: September 23, 2016
Written by James Douglas

The Women and Equalities Committee has exposed a shocking scale of sexual harassment and sexual violence that is not being tackled effectively in British schools. I ts report revealed that …

Grammars under fire

Published: September 23, 2016
Written by James Douglas

Theresa May’s plans for a new wave of selective schools in England has began to unravel as they were condemned across the political and educational spectrum, but some councils in …

Picket police ‘faked’ Orgreave statements

Published: September 23, 2016
Written by Ian Hernon

A former policeman embroiled in the Battle of Orgreave has revealed he refused to obey “wrongful orders” from senior officers. His evidence will bolster evidence that the police, given a …

BECTU members approve Prospect merger

Published: September 23, 2016
Written by James Douglas

The media and entertainment union BECTU is to merge with Prospect next year after its membership voted decisively in favour of joining forces with the professionals’ union. The ballot closed …

Health inequality revealed

Published: September 23, 2016
Written by Ian Hernon

Ian Hernon New TUC research has found that around one in eight (12%) men and women are forced to stop working before state pension age due to ill-health or disability. …

Time called on ‘Victorian’ workplaces

Published: September 23, 2016
Written by Ian Hernon

The TUC has warned companies that there will be “no hiding place” if they exploit their workers. General secretary Frances O’Grady told delegates at its annual conference in Brighton that …

Whose finger on the trigger?

Published: September 10, 2016
Written by Andrew Rosthorn
Harold Macmillan Trigger

Jolyon Maugham QC, a barrister challenging the power of Theresa May to activate Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, says the Prime Minister has no right to start Brexit. It’s …