All articles by: René Lavanchy

Gove attacked over school sports statistics

Published: December 3, 2010
Written by René Lavanchy

Education Secretary Michael Gove was accused this week of “abusing statistics” by his Labour opposite number over the Government’s decision to cut £162 million of ring-fenced funding for school sports …

No probe into fire strike assaults

Published: November 25, 2010
Written by René Lavanchy

The Fire Brigades Union has reacted angrily to the London fire authority chief’s refusal to investigate assaults that left two striking firefighters in hospital

Government defeated over housing targets

Published: November 18, 2010
Written by René Lavanchy

Social housing schemes across the country could be restored after the Government’s abolition of regional housing targets, throwing out plans for over 180,000 homes, was rejected by the High Court …

Make us an offer, unions tell councils

Published: November 18, 2010
Written by René Lavanchy

Unions are calling for a nationally agreed pay deal for council staff to go ahead next year as the number of local authorities unilaterally cutting pay and conditions grows

Train bosses plan to ask for fares rise

Published: November 12, 2010
Written by René Lavanchy

The Association of Train Operating Companies has come under fire after reports suggested that the rail bosses’ group is poised to recommend further deregulation of the rail fares system

Governor’s warning over school quango cut

Published: November 5, 2010
Written by René Lavanchy

School teaching assistants could be at increased risk of working unpaid overtime as a result of the Government’s decision to scrap the body that was preparing to negotiate pay and …

GMB anger over Remploy “greed”

Published: November 4, 2010
Written by René Lavanchy

Bosses at Remploy, Britain’s biggest employer of disabled people, have been attacked after paying themselves reported bonuses of up to £10,000 this year while refusing to consider a staff pay …