All articles by: Paul Routledge

Out of the cage: Paul Routledge

Published: September 26, 2016
Written by Paul Routledge

While awaiting the beatification of St Jeremy the Wise, for which Liverpool cathedral (either of them) would be more appropriate that the soulless conference centre, I looked up his entry …

Out Of The Cage – Paul Routledge

Published: August 8, 2016
Written by Paul Routledge

Owen Smith came up to Sheffield to reinvent the wheel. In this case, the Ministry of Labour, abolished by Harold Wilson in 1968. He renamed it the Department of Employment …

Epitaph for a forgotten hero

Published: July 22, 2016
Written by Paul Routledge

Foley:?The Spy Who Saved 10,000 Jews by Michael Smith Biteback £10.99 From his modest office at the British Passport Control centre in Tiergatrenstrasse 17 in Berlin during the 1930s, Frank …

An ideal man for troubled times

Published: July 14, 2016
Written by Paul Routledge

Harold Wilson:?The Unprincipled Prime Minister? ed Andrew Crines and Kevin Hickson Biteback £20 Like novelists, politicians come into and out of fashion. Most of them, anyway. Some just get completely …

Out Of The Cage – Paul Routledge

Published: July 11, 2016
Written by Paul Routledge

Everybody and his dog seems to be having a go, so I might as well join in. After much thought and consultation with colleagues, I have decided to stand for …

Out of the Cage – Paul Routledge

Published: June 12, 2016
Written by Paul Routledge

I had never heard of Stephen Gibson, and I imagine neither had most people, until he appeared on the Today ­programme to bewail the modest profits of Royal Mail.

Out of the Cage – Paul Routledge

Published: May 14, 2016
Written by Paul Routledge

My political virginity remains intact. In a second attempt to win Aire Valley and Lothersdale, electorate 2,879, for Labour, I was soundly beaten by the incumbent Tory. Again

Out of the Cage – Paul Routledge

Published: April 17, 2016
Written by Paul Routledge

And so to South Wales, for a quiz night with Swansea West Labour Party. The event – in a rugby club, naturally (there are 26 in the city) – was …

Paul Routledge

Published: November 8, 2015
Written by Paul Routledge

Postcard from Skopje: Eastern European slice of life is a far cry from nirvana