All articles by: Neil Young

Film: Who owns a film festival?

Published: September 24, 2016
Written by Neil Young

What’s left of the socialist spirit of one of Europe’s pioneering cinema showcases? On one level, we could airily suggest that a festival is ‘owned’ by its audience, the people …

Film: The masters of Quebec

Published: September 16, 2016
Written by Neil Young

Critics who attend a lot of film festivals are frequently asked which country’s cinema is the most vibrant or worthwhile – South Korea, Romania, Argentina and Greece have all enjoyed …

In search of nitrate gems

Published: August 8, 2016
Written by Neil Young

As his film festival expedition reaches New York state, Neil Young risks incineration in pursuit of the perfect prints. Tottie screamed “Birdie! Let me! Birdie, you are made of celluloid, …

The DIY film festival

Published: July 22, 2016
Written by Neil Young

Continuing his travels on the North American film festival scene, Neil Young arrives too early in the Yucatan …   The next leg of my two-month tour was supposed to …

Art amid the deluge

Published: June 27, 2016
Written by Neil Young

Ambulante Film Festival Mexico   In his second report from the North American film festival scene, Neil Young heads south, down Mexico way.   Mexico is a foreign country: they …

Documentary springs eternal

Published: June 10, 2016
Written by Neil Young

In the first of a series of dispatches from the film festival and cinema scene of North America, Neil Young reports from Palm Springs

2015 in cinema: a hard-knock year

Published: December 20, 2015
Written by Neil Young

The finest and most remarkable wide-release film of 2015 was, perhaps surprisingly, a futuristic, action-packed science-fiction extravaganza

Film: Pilgrims, progress

Published: November 22, 2015
Written by Neil Young

InsCurtoCircuíto 2015 No city on the planet welcomes pedestrians like Santiago de Compostela, the north-west-Spain city whose mega-cathedral concludes the most famous Christian pilgrimage-route.

Prison particulars

Published: April 6, 2012
Written by Neil Young

Into the Abyss Director: Werner Herzog This Is Not A Film No director credited Wild Bill Director: Dexter Fletcher