All articles by: Martin Gostwick

Ifs and buts beset Scotland’s cause

Published: September 16, 2016
Written by Martin Gostwick

Scottish politics has been torn post-Brexit vote by much the same issues as the rest of Britain, with independence the key difference.   It may well turn out that Scotland’s …

UK break-up now seems so much closer

Published: August 10, 2016
Written by Martin Gostwick

Martin Gostwick assesses the growing probability of Scotland holding a second independence referendum next year. Remain means Remain,” was First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s equally pithy response to the new Prime …

‘Give principle a chance’

Published: August 10, 2015
Written by Martin Gostwick

This rallying call electrifying the Labour leadership campaign south of the border is exciting progressive forces in Scotland too, finds Martin Gostwick

The force is with Yes

Published: October 18, 2014
Written by Martin Gostwick

Martin Gostwick says the momentum remains with the Yes Scotland campaign, despite the referendum defeat