All articles by: Kevin Maguire

As I Please: Kevin Maguire

Published: September 16, 2016
Written by Kevin Maguire

If a picture paints a thousand words then the stark marginalisation of Theresa May at the G20 summit in the Chinese industrial city of Hangzhou supplied enough copy for a …

As I Please – Kevin Maguire

Published: July 25, 2016
Written by Kevin Maguire

David Cameron never spoke to me because I wasn’t posh enough,” complained a prominent Tory MP, “and Theresa May won’t speak to me because she doesn’t talk to anybody.” The …

As I Please – Kevin Maguire

Published: July 1, 2016
Written by Kevin Maguire

That many political journalists in Westminster didn’t really know Jo Cox is a backhanded tribute to the assassinated Labour MP. I’ve lost count of the number of hacks on newspapers, …

As I Please – Kevin Maguire

Published: May 29, 2016
Written by Kevin Maguire

The referendum on Britain remaining part of or leaving the European Union is proving bad news for customers and staff of Asda and B&Q.

As I Please – Kevin Maguire

Published: April 29, 2016
Written by Kevin Maguire

The twin ­scandals of BHS and Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt ­demonstrate that shopworkers and doctors have more in common than either may have appreciated.

As I Please – Kevin Maguire

Published: April 2, 2016
Written by Kevin Maguire

Even a Chancellor of the Exchequer as innumerate as George Osborne, economics never his strong point, as many are able and willing to testify, should be able to tell the …

Kevin Maguire

Published: July 2, 2015
Written by Kevin Maguire

Labour could learn a lot from the Conservatives and ruthlessness is top of the list. I’m not what you might call a natural Tory supporter. Much of the party’s programme …