Songs of Struggle and Hope by Agustín Lira

Songs of Struggle and Hope by Agustín Lira

Agustín Lira and Alma SFW40567

A powerhouse of the farmworker and Chicano civil rights movements, social activist Agustín Lira spun out songs that fueled the pioneering political theater group Teatro Campesino. From the United Farmworkers grape strike in 1965 through the next half-century of his original music with a message, Lira tenaciously tells the truth as he sees it. On Songs of Struggle and Hope, he and his trio Alma treat us to signature songs of La Causa as well as to new creations that speak of homelessness, child obesity, personal loss, and hope for the future. 61 minutes, 40-pages of bilingual notes and photos.

This album is the 44th in the Smithsonian Folkways Tradiciones/Traditions Series of Latino music albums, produced with support from the Smithsonian Latino Center.

Un proponente del movimiento de los trabajadores campesinos y por los derechos civiles chicanos, el activista social Agustín Lira produjo canciones que alentaron al Teatro Campesino, grupo pionero del teatro político. Desde la huelga de las uvas de los trabajadores del campo unidos (United Farmworkers) en 1965 a través de la siguiente mitad de siglo por medio de su música original con mensaje, Lira tenazmente cuenta la verdad como la ve. En Cantos de Lucha y Esperanza (Songs of Struggle and Hope), él y su Trio Alma nos brindan tanto canciones de La Causa como creaciones nuevas que hablan del desamparo, la obesidad juvenil, la pérdida personal, y la esperanza para el futuro.

Este álbum es el número 44 de la serie de Folkways Tradiciones/Traditions de álbumes de música latina, producidos con el apoyo del Smithsonian Latino Center.

Please enjoy a free download of “Quihubo, Raza (What’s Happening, People)”

Quihubo, Raza (What’s Happening, People)MP3 FLAC

Year Released 2016
Record Label Smithsonian Folkways Recordings
Source Archive Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
Copyright 2016 Smithsonian Folkways Recordings
Genre(s) American Folk; Latin; Struggle & Protest
Instrument(s) Bass; Button accordion; Guitar; Jarana; Percusión; Percussion; Vihuela; Vocals

Download Liner Notes

101 Quihubo, Raza (What’s Happening, People) Agustín Lira and Alma 3:57
102 El inmigrante (The Immigrant) Agustín Lira and Alma 5:03
103 Juan Cortina Agustín Lira and Alma 3:40
104 Alma (Soul/Spirit) Agustín Lira and Alma 3:28
105 Gregorio Cortez Agustín Lira and Alma 3:11
106 Summer Winds (Vientos de verano) Agustín Lira and Alma 4:20
107 Los zapatistas (The Zapatistas) Agustín Lira and Alma 3:53
108 The Leaf (La hoja) Agustín Lira and Alma 4:43
109 If You’re Homeless (Si eres desamparado) Agustín Lira and Alma 3:03
110 El indio (The Indian) Agustín Lira and Alma 3:21
111 Taps for Coke (Toque de queda para Coca) Agustín Lira and Alma 4:03
112 She Won’t be There (Ella no estará allí) Agustín Lira and Alma 4:11
113 I Have Been Here Forever (Yo he estado aquí por siempre) Agustín Lira and Alma 3:38
114 The Old Man (El viejo) Agustín Lira and Alma 4:38
115 Ser como el aire libre (Be Free Like the Wind) Agustín Lira and Alma 2:44
116 When I Die (Cuando yo me muero) Agustín Lira and Alma 3:15
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