
'Pay it forward' taken to whole new level after stranger pays for man's $100 petrol bill

Has a total stranger ever shouted you a coffee? It's rare, but it happens.

On the border between Victoria and New South Wales, however, the 'pay it forward' movement has been taken to a whole new level.

Although Tyson Crawley (left) didn't get the mystery do-gooder's full name, he did manage to take his picture.
Although Tyson Crawley (left) didn't get the mystery do-gooder's full name, he did manage to take his picture. Photo: Supplied

Tyson Crawley, a 30-year-old carpenter from Albury, was on his way to work in the early hours of Friday morning when he stopped at a petrol station to fill up his ute and jerry can. 

With a couple of iced coffees tucked under his arm, he approached the station's service desk, only to realise he'd recently transferred all his money to a new account and had forgotten the PIN for his new bank card.

Crawley asked for the man's name and contact number, but instead he wrote "pass it on" on the receipt.
Crawley asked for the man's name and contact number, but instead he wrote "pass it on" on the receipt.  Photo: Supplied

He tried guessing the number twice, but both times the transaction bounced back. 

Knowing his account would be locked if he tried a third time unsuccessfully, Crawley began to panic. His dog was barking wildly and he just wanted to get to work on time.


That's when a complete stranger, who had just paid for a takeaway coffee, asked the tradie if he needed some money. 

Crawley was a little embarrassed, and politely declined. After all, he had bought just over $100 worth of petrol.

"I kept saying, please don't," he said.

"But that's when he said it's fine and walked around to pay for it. Eventually, I gave in, and said please give me your phone number so I can pay you back."

The stranger wrote down something on the receipt and handed it, folded, to Crawley. 

"He said, have a good day, and walked out," he said.

"The attendant's eyes were wide open and she was just as startled as I was. I turned around and he was gone."

On the receipt, the man had said his name was "John". And instead of a phone number were the words "pass it on". 

Crawley drove to work in silence, unable to believe his luck. 

That's when he remembered he'd taken a selfie with the stranger, and decided to turn to Facebook to try to find the mystery do-gooder. 

"I wanted to spread the positive impact," he said. 

Crawley has yet to confirm the man's identity, but suspects he is a professional ice hockey player from the United States currently living in Newcastle.

As for how the tradie will "pass on" his stroke of good luck, he says he plans to also shout a stranger's petrol bill in the near future.

"The world needs to realise we all just need to look after one another," he said.