
Working Class Movement Library - a unique collection capturing the stories and struggles of ordinary people's efforts to improve their world. Open to all

Na Twitteri od február 2010

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  1. You're welcome, thanks for asking us! Look forward to welcoming lots of your new students - tons of creative possibilities here...

    Tento Tweet nie je k dispozícií.
  2. Books on anti-imperialism/post-colonialism newly added to our collection thanks to Victor Kiernan - more on our blog

  3. Unveiling speech by suggested everyone go & find out 5 interesting things about Engels. Come on in here for a read, folks ;-)

  4. Good luck Stuart, we'll be following your progress with great interest

  5. Great idea - our donations box is in the hall, so folks you can even run in and give us your fiver without getting a parking ticket ;-)

  6. Such a lot of tweets about our radical women conference have proved Maggie's point! Thanks for your contribution, Orlagh

  7. Yes, we certainly will be - we have got a new stock of them in, ready for November. Do drop in

  8. We're still working through all the nice tweets about Saturday's conference! - thanks Rory for your involvement, glad you enjoyed it

  9. Thanks Jenna for speaking at the conference, and for your enthusiasm for the day!

  10. Thanks for being one of our speakers Nicola. Glad you enjoyed the day!

  11. Glad you had a good day Judith, thanks for your involvement!

  12. Thanks Christine, we all enjoyed it too. Many thanks to all our speakers and to conference organiser

  13. Cheers Claire, thanks for coming along, hope to see you here again looking at our amazing collections of material

  14. A reminder that our Radical Women conference tomorrow is completely sold out - there will be no spare places available on the day, sorry...

  15. Looking forward to this production coming here in January - keep an eye on for details...

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