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James Kelly
Model/actress/footballer/dancer/TV Presenter...... waiting to discover my voice
James Kelly Sep 6
You still owe me $50. Don’t leave without paying
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James Kelly Sep 4
Replying to @nathantemp7
I nailed it Tempo. You know I did.
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James Kelly Sep 3
Replying to @nathantemp7
One in a Millman
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James Kelly Sep 1
Legends!! Hopefully they draft better than their dad.
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James Kelly Aug 21
Yeah naaaa, you fluffed that one.
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James Kelly Aug 3
Replying to @obriennick10
Repeat offenders.
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James Kelly Aug 2
How’s the carry on about Tom Lynch wanting to leave??!! People firing pot shots having never been in the situation of getting a huge life changing offer. Or judging someone for having a desire to be closer to home. The carry on about player movement will hold the game back.
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James Kelly Aug 2
Replying to @cam_mooney
Hahahah! Absolute gold.
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James Kelly Jul 23
Replying to @chooknorris21
Long story mate.
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James Kelly Jul 22
Replying to @chooknorris21
Na not true. Popped me nut in 2015. Got the name in 2004.
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James Kelly Jul 22
Replying to @chooknorris21
How do you think I got it?
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James Kelly Jun 8
Chips and gravy?
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James Kelly Jun 5
Give it a bit more than that Dilly. 🏏
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James Kelly May 23
Well done mate. Courage and leadership
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James Kelly May 8
This is by far the best thing I’ve ever seen
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James Kelly Apr 27
Replying to @zachmerrett07
Don’t. Just don’t.
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James Kelly Apr 21
Is that off in the distance??
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James Kelly Apr 18
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James Kelly Apr 13
Hey , stop commentating like you were perfect ...
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James Kelly Apr 1
Who is putting their hand up for the name ‘Holy Trinity’?? Terrible
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James Kelly Mar 24
Replying to @tomlonergan13
Seen better 😏
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James Kelly retweeted
Brendan Busuttil Mar 23
@BomberDave70 4 points to DONS = 1 DUB SMASH BY BUZZDONCEL🔴⚫💪💪💪💪💪
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James Kelly Mar 21
Love to! Point me in the right direction
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James Kelly Mar 20
No no I don’t. It’s a charter boat yeah?
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James Kelly Mar 20
Can we go out on your boat and listen to it?
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James Kelly Mar 20
Replying to @PaulJamesP2
Don’t mind a true crime series.
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James Kelly Mar 20
Replying to @AFLExchange
Feel like the quality of the show has dropped somewhat since the super high rating bonanza of last year.
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James Kelly Mar 19
Anyone got some good podcasts for me??
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James Kelly Mar 12
Second best house in Sunbury.
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James Kelly Feb 27
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