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Virginia DUI Laws

Virginia has a ton of DUI lawyers waiting to help you win your DUI case, however, only the best DUI attorneys can be found through our network, Don’t get stuck with lengthy documents that will go unprocessed or phone calls to insurance companies that you will forget to make; the DUI lawyer you choose from our network in Virginia will see to it that everything is done regarding your case. End your worries and call us up to schedule a consultation with a top DUI lawyer in Virginia near you.

In Virginia, it is illegal to drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Those found guilty of this offense will be charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI). Drivers who are charged with DUI in Virginia will have their license suspended for 7 days automatically.

A motorist in Virginia may incur a DUI in two ways. The first is through the per se law, which means that any driver with a blood alcohol content level (BAC) of .08 percent or higher who is over the age of 21 will be arrested and charged with DUI. Those under 21 need only have a BAC of .02 percent to get charged with DUI and commercial vehicle drivers only need to have .04 percent. The other way for a motorist to get charged is if they show signs of impairment from alcohol or drugs, as proven by driving pattern or performance on a field sobriety test.

Virginia is part of the Interstate Driver’s License Compact, which means that if a motorist from another incurs a DUI in Virginia, they may face penalties just like any other Virginia resident. Penalties include fines, license suspension or even jail time. Those who are charged with DUI should incur the help of a DUI lawyer as soon as possible to avoid strict penalties.

Penalties for Virginia DUI Convictions

If a motorist is found guilty of DUI in Virginia, the following penalties may be incurred:

1st DUI Conviction

• Imprisonment
o 5 days minimum if passenger under 18 was in vehicle
o 5 days if BAC between .15-.20 percent
o 10 days if BAC above .20 percent
• Fine minimum $250
o Additional $500-$1,000 if passenger under 18 was in vehicle
• Driver’s license suspended 1 year
• Ignition interlock device required if BAC .15 and above
• Must complete alcohol safety program

2nd DUI Conviction

• Imprisonment
o If previous offense less than 5 years from current DUI
20 days to 1 year
Additional 5 days if passenger under 18 in vehicle
o If pervious offense within 5-10 years of current DUI
10 days to 1 month
Additional 5 days if passenger under 18 in vehicle
Additional 10 days if BAC between .15-.20 percent
Additional 20 days if BAC above .20 percent
• Fine minimum $500
o Additional $500-$1,000 if passenger under 18 was in vehicle
• Driver’s license suspended 1 year
• Ignition interlock device required
• Must complete alcohol safety program

3rd DUI Conviction

• Imprisonment
o If previous offense less than 5 years from current DUI
6 months minimum
Additional 5 days if passenger under 18 in vehicle
o If pervious offense within 5-10 years of current DUI
90 days minimum
Additional 5 days if passenger under 18 in vehicle
• Fine minimum $1,000
• Driver’s license suspended indefinitely but may petition court after 5 years
• Ignition interlock device required if license reinstated
• Must complete alcohol safety program

Virginia DUI Laws for Minors

Anyone under the age of 21 who is found guilty of drinking and driving may incur a Class 1 misdemeanor charge. The offender may also forfeit their license for 1 year, be required to pay a minimum fine and be ordered to perform community service.

Vehicle Impound Law

As of 2010, Virginia’s DUI law states that an offender’s vehicle may be impounded if the offender was convicted of DUI and drivers on a suspended license. The vehicle will be impounded for a minimum of 90 days. If the offender was driving a school bus while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, they will now be charged with a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Implied Consent Law in Virginia

The state of Virginia has what is called an implied consent law, which states that any driver in Virginia must agree to submit to a chemical test to determine their level of intoxication. Should a motorist refuse, they will be charged with refusal to take a BAC test and may have their license suspended in addition to other DUI penalties.

Hiring a DUI Lawyer

If you have been charged with driving under the influence in Virginia, speak to a top DUI lawyer immediately to fight your case. Anyone who is convicted of DUI can have their lives negatively affected in various aspects, including employment and finances. Virginia DUI attorneys work hard to ensure that your charges are either significantly lowered or dismissed altogether.
For the best possible outcome of your case, contact an elite team of DUI lawyers in Virginia today.