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Getting a DUI in Florida

Getting charged with a DUI in the state of Florida is a delicate and complicated matter. Without the proper legal representation of a top DUI lawyer, you may have your license suspended or revoked, be mandated to attend rehab, and even face the possibility of going to jail. By soliciting the help of the best DUI lawyer in Florida near you, however, you can ensure yourself a top DUI specialist that will do everything in their power to have your charges dropped.

Florida, like most other states, has driving under the influence (DUI) laws that penalize those who are found drinking and driving with a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) level of .08 percent or higher. In Florida, BAC level is also referred to as BAL level, or Blood Alcohol Level. For commercial drivers, the minimum BAL level required to be charged with DUI is .04 percent and for minors (drivers under the age of 21) it is .02 percent. Anyone found guilty of driving over the set BAL limit will be arrested and subject to several fines and penalties. Punishments vary on the age and type of license of the driver as well as if the driver has incurred any previous DUI charges.

Florida’s Implied Consent Law

In the state of Florida, implied consent laws are in effect. This means that all drivers holding a valid Florida driver’s license agree to submit to a chemical test when an officer suspects them of being intoxicated. Those who refuse to submit to testing will have that held against them in a court of law. Refusal also merits the suspension of a driver’s license for one year for the first refusal and 18 months for all subsequent refusals. In cases that involved bodily injury or death, a driver’s blood sample may be taken by reasonable force by the arresting officer.

Florida DUI Penalties

In the state of Florida, there are strict penalties associated with drinking and driving over a BAL level of .08. Any DUI resulting in property damage will be considered a misdemeanor of the first degree. A DUI resulting in serious bodily injury will be considered a third degree felony. Any motorist in Florida found guilty of DUI will incur the following punishments:

1st DUI Conviction

• BAL level from .08 to under .15 – Imprisonment for maximum 6 months and fine from $500 – $1,000
• BAL level above .15 – Imprisonment for maximum 9 months and fine from $1,000 – $2,000
• Driver’s license suspended from 180 days – 1 year
• Hardship Reinstatement (license for work purposes) – Mandatory completion of DUI School required before hardship application
• May be ordered to install ignition interlock device up to 6 Months
• Mandatory community service 50 hours
• Community service fine imposed – $10 for every hour required
• May be eligible for alcohol/drug treatment program in lieu of Imprisonment
• Vehicle impounded 10 days

2nd DUI Conviction

• BAL level from .08 to under .15 – Imprisonment for maximum 9 months, fine from $1,000 – $2,000, and ignition interlock device required for 1 year
• BAL level above .15 (or minor in vehicle) – Imprisonment for maximum 12 months and fine from $2,000 – $4,000, and ignition interlock device required for 2 years
• Driver’s license suspended for 5 years (if DUI incurred within 5 years of previous)
• Hardship Reinstatement (license for work purposes) – Mandatory completion of DUI School required before hardship application
• Hardship license eligibility after 1 year
• Vehicle impounded 30 days (if DUI incurred within 5 years of previous)

3rd DUI Conviction

• Considered Third Degree Felony (If 3rd DUI incurred within 10 years of previous)
• Imprisonment up to 12 months
• Mandatory imprisonment 30 days (If 3rd DUI incurred within 10 years of previous)
• BAL level from .08 to under .15 – fine from $2,000-$5,000
• BAL level above .15 (or minor in vehicle) – fine minimum $4,000
• Driver’s license suspended for 10 years (if 3rd DUI incurred within 10 years of previous)
• Hardship Reinstatement (license for work purposes) – Mandatory completion of DUI School required before hardship application
• Hardship license eligibility after 2 years
• Vehicle impounded 90 days (if 3rd DUI incurred within 10 years of previous)

4th DUI Conviction

• Imprisonment up to 5 years
• Fine $2,000 minimum
• Driver’s license suspended for life – no hardship reinstatement
Penalties for Commercial Drivers
Commercial drivers having a BAL limit of .04 or higher or who refuse a BAL test will have their license suspended for 1 year. After a second offense, commercial drivers will be permanently disqualified from obtaining a license. Hardship provisions do not apply.

Hiring a Florida DUI Lawyer

Although getting a DUI may seem like the end of the world, we assure you, help is available. Contact one of our top DUI attorneys for help fighting your charges. With an elite Florida DUI lawyer working on your case, you can rest assured that your charges will either be significantly lowered or wiped out altogether.

There are many times when a motorist is unfairly charged with driving while intoxicated. If you were arrested on police suspicion alone without sufficient proof of intoxication or if you were issued a breath test with a faulty device or a device that was not calibrated, you Florida DUI attorney will not rest until you are cleared of all charges.

A Florida DUI stays on your record forever. You need top-notch legal counsel to ensure the best outcome for your case. Contact one of our featured DUI lawyers in Florida today to get started on your case right away.

Don’t tackle your DUI case alone; call us up today to get connected to the ideal DUI lawyer for your individual case needs.