
Zoe Coombs Marr takes Edinburgh Fringe Festival by storm

It's August in Edinburgh. The streets are so clogged with tourists and buskers that in some places it's hard to move. On one corner, a human statue painted gold waits for someone – anyone – to stop for a photo and drop some coins into her almost empty hat.

Every footpath is lined with posters advertising acts in town for the Edinburgh International Festival and the Festival Fringe. It's impossible to step outside without someone thrusting a flyer into your hand for this gig or that. Often, the face on the flyer is the same as the one looking at you with pleading eyes, begging you to come to their show.

Zoe Coombs Marr getting dressed as her alter-ego comedy character Dave.
Zoe Coombs Marr getting dressed as her alter-ego comedy character Dave. Photo: supplied

Australian comedian Zoe Coombs Marr gave up on flyers years ago. "I was so bad at it," she says. "I felt that I was actually diminishing my audience numbers by flyering. I would end up dissuading people from seeing the shows: 'Oh actually, no, you wouldn't like it'. And if I ever did flyer anyone and they showed up, I would feel so responsible for them and so guilty. Like when you take a friend to the theatre and you're worried about whether they're liking it."

Fortunately, she doesn't need flyers. Not anymore. Her shows at this year's Fringe Festival, one of the world's great comedy showcases, sold out. She never reads reviews while she's performing, but the critics are impressed. A sample from The Scotsman: "She's applying an audacity towards stand-up ... that's unmatched, showing a foresight and invention undreamed of in her peer's wildest nightmares."

Zoe Coombs Marr, Australian comedian bowling them over in Edinburgh.
Zoe Coombs Marr, Australian comedian bowling them over in Edinburgh. Photo: James Brown

The day before our meeting at this cafe in the city's historic centre, she was at the ceremony for the Edinburgh Comedy Awards, one of eight nominees for the Fringe's top prize, along with fellow Australians Tom Ballard and Heath McIvor.

She didn't win. The prize went to Scottish stand-up Richard Gadd. The morning after, she is sipping from a cup of strong black coffee and trying to keep it all in perspective.


"Awards are great," she says. "It's fantastic to be acknowledged by the industry that you're in and to be picked out among these performances but, at the same time, it's really just made up. I mean, it's 10 people's opinion. There's lots of shows that could have, should have, but weren't nominated. For me, it's a strange game of trying not to invest too much in it but also trying to enjoy it."

Still, an Edinburgh nomination creates publicity and sells tickets. Perhaps that's why, after the nominees were announced, Coombs Marr started vomiting with enough force to break the toilet seat. "I mean, [the seat] was on the way out – a bit wobbly," she says. "But I sort of projectile vomited and slammed down into the toilet and it came off … I think it was my body releasing its tension."

Among the nominees, Coombs Marr stands out as the only woman. And even then she dresses as a man on stage. Her alter-ego, Dave, is a second-rate stand-up with a neck beard made from strands of Coombs Marr's own hair. He's the kind of comic who follows every tired, sexist punchline with a chortling, "The fellas know what I mean. Hey fellas?".

The show, Trigger Warning, which won the Barry Award for best show at this year's Melbourne International Comedy Festival, returns to Australia for a second Sydney season in October. It finds Dave in the throes of an identity crisis, after an off-colour joke has brought the rage of the internet upon him. He has turned to mime to avoid causing more offence, and enrolled in Philippe Gaulier's famous French school to discover his inner clown. Who just happens to be a narky, thirtysomething lesbian named Zoe. ("What a boner killer," says Dave.)

Women in comedy get sick of talking about being women in comedy. But, given the nature of her show, Coombs Marr feels obliged to address the gender imbalance among the Edinburgh nominees.

"It's ridiculous," she says. "There are eight nominees, so even if you don't think women are funny, just chuck a couple in! Just to cover your tracks! Just so I don't have to have these conversations that get printed in the paper and make everyone feel a bit weird – and make me worry that I won't get nominated again because I complained.

If you go in thinking about international stardom, you're f---ed from the beginning.

"This is a systemic problem that exists on every level from your entry into the industry – even before that, from birth, with your perception of what you can be. An audience has a different level of trust for a woman on stage than a man on stage. When I am performing as a man, the audience has a different response to me. Dave does some of the same jokes that I do and it's a different kind of laughter. Comedy is a lot about familiar cadences."

Dave is a collection of tropes, patched together from Coombs Marr's observations of blokes she has seen on stage. He started as a joke to make her tech laugh during soundcheck. As they tested the mic levels, she'd lower her voice, broaden her accent and let fly with the kind of patter that audiences laugh at out of habit, rather than amusement: "What about cats, hey? Different from dogs, aren't they? Cats are all like, 'meow' and dogs are all like, 'woof'."

"You can make something sound like a punchline that's not a punchline," says Coombs Marr. "If it sounds right, people will laugh."

In the early years of her career, Australia's comedy clubs were full of real-life Daves, while she struggled to get gigs. It was particularly tough in Sydney, where she moved from her hometown, Grafton, to study theatre, performance art and sculpture at the University of NSW.

"If you are 19 years old, a kid from the country, and a lesbian, standing up in front of a room of people who are quite hostile and not necessarily interested in what you have to say – and you're not even sure you're interested in what you have to say – it's a difficult playing field. Especially if you're coming on after some guy who's just done a set about how boring his girlfriend is."

These days Coombs Marr has a strong cohort of peers who joke about all manner of social issues and life experiences. Many of them were there when she married fellow comedian Rhys Nicholson (male and gay) in a ceremony in April this year to protest Australia's stance on same-sex marriage. She wore a white frock and walked down the aisle on the arm of her father, an ex-Catholic-priest who left the church after he met her mother. Marriage papers were signed (though never filed) and once declared man and wife, Coombs Marr and Nicholson shared a passionate kiss with their respective partners, Kate Jinx and Kyran Wheatley. Comedian Hannah Gadsby emceed and Judith Lucy, Denise Scott and Celia Pacquola were bridesmaids. It was a riotous and inclusive knees-up.

A decade ago, though, Coombs Marr felt more comfortable in Sydney's independent performance scene than she did in its comedy clubs. She formed the collective, Post, with Mish Gregor and Natalie Rose, collaborating on shows that blended comedy, theatre and performance art. More than a decade later, they are still working together. Their next project will be a show for the Sydney Festival in 2017.

After university, Coombs Marr dabbled in visual art ("lots of cobbled-together stuff – soft sculptures and videos where I was flying"). She won prizes for promising graduate work and exhibited at a number of galleries, but missed being in the room with her audience. "It felt too sterile to me, creating something, then not being there."

But the habit of working across genres stuck. She has performed with the Sydney Dance Company in L'Chaim!, playing a disembodied voice asking questions of the dancers moving on stage. Both the Sydney Theatre Company and Belvoir have staged productions she created with Post. She is currently working on another theatre show with American comedian and choreographer Adrienne Truscott and British cabaret performer Ursula Martinez.

"Working in different genres feels to me like the more natural way," says Coombs Marr. "I feel like each one enriches the other.

"I'm quite obsessed with the audience. You're already in their heads when they walk into the room. Depending on the kind of performance, different things will be in their heads and you'll have a different set of expectations to play with. Comedy in particular is about working with assumptions and expectations and then subverting them … Telling jokes is not why I do comedy; it's to make fun of people's minds."

For comedians, Edinburgh can be a springboard to stardom. But Coombs Marr says that while Dave is probably interested in fame, she is not. "This whole industry is a mental endurance test," she says. "If you go in thinking about international stardom, you're f---ed from the beginning; you're in it for the wrong reasons.

"For me, it's about finding the right audience and being able to genuinely communicate with people who really need to see what you're doing. The idea that that you could do something that everyone relates to, well, it might happen, but it's unlikely."

Trigger Warning is at Giant Dwarf, October 14-15.