
The Chameleons of Rojava

Ben Davies' text about PKK/PYD's politics, published 28/02/16 on his blog.

A Letter to ‘Rojavist’ Friends

This letter is not addressed to those militants who surf the net from one movement or struggle to the next, according to the direction of the media, with the goal of constructing a party or an organisation. It is addressed to you, friends and comrades of different cities, with whom we often share positions, and whose critical sense and reflexion we appreciate, but nevertheless with whom we are sometime in disagreement.

The whole of Italy stands with Abd Elsalam

Demonstration, among the people a man with a microphone beside the vehicle with

Video summary of the demonstrations for GLS-workers Adb Elsalam who was killed in Piacenza on September 14, 2016 during a strike. By Clash City Workers.

9-11 And Radical Islamism

Bin Laden, Taliban, ayatollahs and generally speaking radical Islamists are our enemies for the same reason that all States and religions are. However, we have to recognize that their bombing attacks provided them with a stronger aura of radicalism than the one they had before.

Changing the name of Kurdistan Anarchist Forum to Kurdish-Speaking Anarchist Forum

Changing the name of Kurdistan Anarchist Forum to Kurdish-Speaking Anarchist Forum

Brazil Impeachment & Left Press

Summary of international week of actions for Russian anarchist and anti-fascist prisoners

Between 1st and 10th of July, international days of solidarity for
political prisoners of Putin's police state took place in 21 cities of
10 different countries.

Hot August at H&M in Italy

The strike wave of migrant logistics workers in Italy has spread to the warehouses of H&M.

September 9: A call to action against slavery - Jeremy Galloway

A series of strikes in US prisons is set to begin on September 9, the 45th anniversary of the Attica prison uprising, writes Jeremy Galloway.

The Olympics: a reflection of society under capitalism

The Olympic games are here again and while it’s sold to us a demonstration of peace and solidarity and the finest humans have to offer, it is often anything but that. In fact, in many ways, it is a reflection of the very worst of society under capitalism.