
Consumer watchdog ACCC urged to investigate cartel claims against surgeons

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Concerns that Australian surgeons may be running cartels to protect their lucrative private markets will be discussed  at a national meeting of  health ministers next month.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is also under pressure to investigate potentially anti-competitive behaviour by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons after Fairfax Media revealed fresh concerns about its secretive practices.  

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The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons is 'controlling the borders' to keep out highly-trained surgeons from abroad, says London-trained surgeon Patrick Tansley.

Following claims of bullying, professional mobbing and improper examinations for overseas-trained surgeons, NSW Health Minister Jillian Skinner and her Victorian counterpart, Jill Hennessy, said they both planned to raise the issue at the Council of Australian Governments' meeting of health ministers on October 7.  

"I am always concerned about unfair treatment of health professionals, particularly if it has a negative impact on the patients' ability to access specialist healthcare," Ms Skinner said.

The action came as two former chiefs of the ACCC said governments needed to get over their fear of taking on powerful medical lobby groups and investigate the college of surgeons to see if it was restricting the supply of surgeons in Australia.

Professor Allan Fels, chairman of the ACCC during the 1990s, when it investigated the college for limiting entry to the profession, said it was time for the regulator to reopen its probe.


"Prima facie, the college faces a case to answer," he said, adding that it also had "unacceptable" conflicts of interest.

But Professor Fels said governments needed to collaborate with the ACCC, because they had given the watchdog insufficient support in the past.

"Dr P", an American surgeon, says he was bullied, harassed and discriminated against as he tried to have his skills ...
"Dr P", an American surgeon, says he was bullied, harassed and discriminated against as he tried to have his skills recognised in Australia. Photo: Brian Cassey

"Governments have been reluctant to take strong action because of a fear of the surgeons' lobby and because of some ill-advised concerns that the more surgeons, the more operations, and the more costs to government," he said.

"It's part of the Harper inspired competition reforms that anti-competitive practices by surgeons be put under the microscope."

A spokesperson for the college of surgeons said it had been scrutinised by the ACCC in detail, met all its requirements and that there were no outstanding issues under consideration. She said the college had issued guidance to its members on fees and that patient safety was its only consideration when deciding who practises surgery. 

"The college meets all the accreditation requirements of specialist colleges set by the Australian Medical Council, including in relation to formal and transparent processes," the spokesperson said. 

"The college has owned the problems of discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment in the profession and is 100 per cent committed to dealing with them." 

But Professor Graeme Samuel, who chaired the ACCC during the 2000s when it monitored the college, said its secrecy and control over selection processes had the power to affect the prices surgeons charge Australian patients.

"Control over competition almost invariably results in lowering of quality or higher prices," he said.

Professor Samuel said most medical colleges in Australia were "closed shops" and that health ministers needed to "take charge" and open them up to more scrutiny to benefit patients.

In the late 1990s, the ACCC investigated allegations the college was illegally restricting entry to the profession, including through its assessments of overseas-trained surgeons. The college avoided legal action by allowing the ACCC to monitor its training and assessment processes until 2009.

Professor Samuel said that during this time, state and territory health ministers "told us to back off".

"We were essentially told this is not a matter for the ACCC; this is a matter to be dealt with by health ministers," he said.

"For many, many decades, one of the most powerful unions in the system has been the AMA [Australian Medical Association] and the associated colleges. They are very powerful. They can very easily convey a powerful message, which is: health is different, what you're playing with here is not normal markets."

Concerns about market fixing come amid growing outrage over the fees some surgeons charge. Health insurers recently started publishing data showing some surgeons charge 15 times the price of their colleagues for common operations, which can leave patients out of pocket more than $10,000 for an operation. 

Fairfax Media has asked federal Health Minister Sussan Ley if she will investigate the allegations of cartel behaviour. She is yet to respond.