
Uncle gets two years in prison for 'brazenly' molesting his nieces for a decade

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"I don't feel as much of a victim," said an adult survivor of child sexual abuse who tracked down her uncle and brought him to justice more than 20 years after she reported his crimes to police.

The woman was two years old when her uncle began molesting her and her older sister. It continued for eight years in the late 80s and early 90s, including in public places.

But it was not until Friday that the woman's uncle, now 65, was jailed. 

The woman – the younger of the sisters – told a school friend about her abuse in 1992, prompting a police investigation.

But on the night police arrived at the sister's house to speak to them, the woman said, her father threw her uncle out of the house.

He disappeared for more than 20 years.


She believed he had died until 2014, when a relative mentioned that the man should be told his father had died.

The woman searched her uncle's name online and found his former address on a petition against a local pub in South Australia. This led her to her uncle's most recent address in the Northern Territory, where police charged him and extradited him to Victoria. 

The court heard that the man had lived in a caravan with the girls' brothers, while they stayed with their father in a nearby cabin.

The girls were then aged, respectively, between two and six, and four and 12.

The judge said the man, then in his 30s, had abused the girls by touching their genitals at his home and at public places including a shopping centre and a community swimming pool.

The man also bribed them with coins to prevent them from telling anyone about the abuse.

On one occasion, he took his clothes off in the caravan and asked the girls to touch his penis, and was refused. 

The man pleaded guilty to two counts of indecent assault and one court of gross indecency relating to a child under 16 - a day after his trial was due to start. The two victims had already been required to testify and undergo cross-examination in the Magistrates Court.

His guilty plea meant that his sentence was reduced, though the judge said the man's remorse was "questionable". He was sentenced to two years' jail, with a further 12 months suspended.

The judge said he was limited to sentencing the man under the maximum penalties available for the crimes at the time they were committed, which were much lower than under current laws. 

The woman was disappointed by the sentence, saying low penalties for historic abuse often discouraged adult survivors from coming forward, but said pursing the man had been worth it. 

The woman had been afraid of going to court because the sentencing judge was bearded, as her uncle had been when he abused her, but she overcame this in order to read her victim impact statement in person, rather than via video link.

"I needed to get over that so [my uncle] would have to listen to me and know I'm not scared [of him] anymore," she said.

"Even if as in my case the sentence is not as harsh, [it was worth it]. He had to hear what I have to say so [it] brought my power back to me. I don't feel as much of a victim."