Changing 18C has nothing to do with free speech

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This was published 8 years ago

Changing 18C has nothing to do with free speech

If our politicians were legitimately worried about protecting free speech there are much more significant restrictions than the Racial Discrimination Act. Unless you just really like hate speech, obviously.

By Andrew P Street

Up until 1975 it was perfectly fine to discriminate against people on the basis of their ethnicity. Just ponder that for a moment. You could refuse service to someone, deny them a job or refuse a rental application because of someone's race until nineteen-seventy-freaking-five.

The Racial Discrimination Act was introduced by the Whitlam government to make such racist behaviour illegal and one bit of it - Section 18C - made it illegal to perform an act in public if "a) the act is reasonably likely, in all the circumstances, to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another person or a group of people; and b) the act is done because of the race, colour or national or ethnic origin of the other person or of some or all of the people in the group."

Here's a list of smart, compassionate people using their positions of authority to do absolutely worthwhile things.

Here's a list of smart, compassionate people using their positions of authority to do absolutely worthwhile things.

This section has been a particular bugbear of SA Liberal senator Cory Bernardi, who is making it an issue again in defiance of the wishes of his party's leader. He argues that 18C's conditions are too broad and subjective. And that would be fair enough, were it not for the fact that it's immediately followed by 18D which limits the scope dramatically.

Here is Section 18D in its entirety:

Section 18C does not render unlawful anything said or done reasonably and in good faith:

a) in the performance, exhibition or distribution of an artistic work; or

b) in the course of any statement, publication, discussion or debate made or held for any genuine academic, artistic or scientific purpose or any other genuine purpose in the public interest; or

c) in making or publishing: i) a fair and accurate report of any event or matter of public interest; or ii) a fair comment on any event or matter of public interest if the comment is an expression of a genuine belief held by the person making the comment.

In other words, if what someone says is fair, or accurate, or a matter of reportage, or an artistic work, or genuinely held belief, then it's completely exempt from charges under 18C.


Getting convicted under 18C is, therefore, pretty tricky. That's why only around five per cent of all complaints made under 18C ever make it to court, and why less than half of those are upheld once they get there.

Also, despite the appeals to free speech, almost all of the successful cases were about workplace bullying. Barely any of the cases that get to court are about statements made in the broader public sphere and - given the vast exemptions outlined in 18D - you can correctly conclude that it's very hard to make them stick.

The successful prosecution of Andrew Bolt for two 2009 Herald Sun articles in which he criticised people for being insufficiently Aboriginal to be worthy of access to Aboriginal-only grants ('It's so hip to be black' and 'White fellas in the black') hinged on the fact that Bolt made factually incorrect declarations regarding the heritage of people named in the articles in order to support his nonsense argument, not that he expressed unpopular opinions. That's why the "fair comment" provisions didn't kick in.

And it's true that three students in Queensland are currently facing staggering legal bills after being charged for breaching section 18C via posts on Facebook, although the key issue is that they either were not informed or for some reason failed to respond to the charges for over a year and thereby missed the window for arbitration. That seems like a potential failure of legal process - which certainly deserves investigation - but has exactly zero to do with 18C itself.

Conversely, let's see what sorts of restrictions on free speech are in place with say, the Border Force Act.

Section 42 determines that an "entrusted person" commits an offence if "the person makes a record of, or discloses, information; and… the information is protected information".

And while there are exemptions, they're largely written out in section 44 which allows the Secretary of the Department of Immigration and Border Force to impose further restrictions which must be complied with before a person can make a report.

In other words, a teacher or health worker is perfectly able to report that, say, children are being sexually abused on Nauru - provided that they're specifically authorised to do so by Mike Pezzullo. Otherwise, they can take their chances with the authorities.

So if you hear any politician bleating about how gosh-darn important it is that we amend the Racial Discrimination Act but keeping weirdly silent on the genuine restrictions imposed under the Border Force Act, then you can accurately surmise that perhaps they're not really all that fussed about freedom of speech. You might even conclude that they're just peculiarly enthusiastic about encouraging consequence-free hate speech.

And it speaks volumes about their qualities as an elected official, as an Australian, and as an intelligent and compassionate human being.

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