WA News

Perth Muslim woman's rant at Pauline Hanson supporter not what it appears

A bizarre video has emerged of a Muslim woman verbally attacking a man wearing a Pauline Hanson shirt at a Perth university, but all is not what it seems.

The footage filmed on a mobile at Curtin University shows a young woman, wearing a pink scarf confronting a man as he tries to make his way to student services.

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Right wing figure banned from Facebook

Far right figure Dennis Huts says he's been banned from Facebook for 30 days after uploading a video of a group confronting him for wearing a Pauline Hanson shirt.

"'You have no right to be on this campus," the woman screams.

"No you don't. Get off this campus. You're not welcome here. Get off."

Far-right figure Dennis Huts is threatening to bring a wave of protests to Fremantle over its cancellation of Australia ...
Far-right figure Dennis Huts is threatening to bring a wave of protests to Fremantle over its cancellation of Australia Day fireworks. 

"What, do you want to punch me in the face?"

The man getting berated seems genuinely shocked by the attack, meekly responding he had an appointment at the university.


"I am going. You're the one who followed me," the man replies. 

"I am an ex-student of this university. I have a completed degree here and I have an appointment."

A Muslim woman serves it up to a right-wing supporter at Curtin University.
A Muslim woman serves it up to a right-wing supporter at Curtin University. Photo: Daily Mail

After the pair exchange insults, another woman is seen on the video telling the man he needed to "f*** off" because he is "harassing women".

"I have a right to be here," the man replied.

But WAtoday can reveal the man getting yelled at is notorious far-right figure Dennis Huts.

He recently posted a video on a right-wing group's Facebook page, that WAtoday has decided not to identify, threatening to bring "a rain of s--t" to Fremantle council unless the city's restores Australia Day fireworks cancelled after being deemed 'culturally insensitive.'

Huts has been connected to a range of right-wing activities, including taking an anti-Muslim banner to a Western derby between West Coast and Fremantle earlier in the year.

WAtoday understands the right-wing group orchestrates incidents like the one at Curtin to then upload them onto YouTube and their Facebook page to garner support.

Huts took to the right-wing group's Facebook page to tell his supporters he "was attacked by a Muslim woman and some of her Marxist friends".

He had originally uploaded the verbal stoush at Curtin on his Facebook page, but it was deleted.

"I know these people... not personally but they are regulars at rallies and counter-rallies, "he said.

"They recognise me, that's what set them off...so I was attacked. You saw the video, I did nothing wrong, I wasn't the aggressor, I maintained my composure and I uploaded the video and it started to get viral."

Huts claims Facebook took down the video because he was a "white male being attacked by a Muslim woman".

"You won't get a greater example how Islam is now a protected species in this country and in the world," he said.