

The blog of the Dominican student brothers at Blackfriars, Oxford.

Built on the four pillars of our Dominican life – preaching, prayer, study, and community – Godzdogz offers many resources for exploring the Catholic Faith today.
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Solemn Professions 2016

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Yesterday in Oxford the English Province witnessed and celebrated the solemn professions of four of our brothers (and all contributors to Godzdogz): Toby Lees, Luke Doherty, Samuel Burke, and Jordan Scott. Read more

Ethics of nuclear energy

Wednesday, September 07, 2016
Nuclear power is a hot topic in the media at the moment, as our old power stations (coal as well as nuclear) are ageing and need to be closed in the next few years. This will mean less and less generating capacity to maintain national electricity supplies. Fewer stations mean at some point in the near future there will be a risk of power cuts. At the same time, we need to have secure and affordable energy supplies, whilst reducing carbon emissions. Building new nuclear power stations is, broadly speaking, a moral issue. The main ethical problem with nuclear energy (even with strict operational safety) is the stewardship of nuclear waste. Future generations may not have the technology to safely contain or dispose of highly radioactive waste, and theologically it would be immoral to adopt a view that we should leave the problem to future generations.
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Pope St Gregory the Great

Saturday, September 03, 2016

‘For the love of God’: it’s an utterance of exasperation at an unwelcome or intimidating task and said with sincerity characterises the proper disposition for all Christians to all their labours, both welcome and unwelcome. As far as unwelcome tasks go, being Pope when all your deepest desire – save for doing God’s will – is to be a monk living a quiet, cloistered life of prayer, has to pretty high up there, and, therefore I think ‘for the love of God’ would have been a very appropriate papal motto for Pope St Gregory the Great. Read more

First Profession 2016

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Yesterday the English Province of the Order of Preachers celebrated the first profession of our brother, Albert Robertson, who has now completed his noviciate, and will move to Oxford imminently to settle in before the full swing of academic studies begins. Please keep brother Albert in your prayers, and for the six men who intend to begin the noviciate in early September. Read more

Great Dominicans: Blessed Adrian Fortescue

Saturday, August 27, 2016

After a remarkable life, Bl. Adrian Fortescue died a martyr at the strike of an executioner's blade at Tower Hill in 1539. A husband and father, a Justice of the Peace, a Knight of the Realm, a Knight of Malta, and a Dominican Tertiary (Lay Dominican); he was at once a loyal servant of the Crown so far as he could be, but still more, he was a man of unshakeable faith.  Read more

St Bartholomew

Wednesday, August 24, 2016
As with several Apostles, we know next to nothing about St Bartholomew. His name features in the list of Apostles in the Synoptic Gospels, but is absent in the Gospel according to St John.  Read more

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Recently I have started reading fairy tales again, prompted by GK Chesterton’s great love them, and, in particular those of George MacDonald. I have always enjoyed them, but my appreciation of them as an adult far outweighs that of my youth. One of the regularly recurring themes that I have become more aware of is that of destiny. To the reader it is clear what the hero or heroine is supposed to do. We also have a pretty good idea that they will end up doing what they are supposed to, albeit with an aberration or two along the way, and that the good will triumph in the end. The idea of destiny can easily be confused with predestination, but the thrill and drama of fairy tales lies in the important difference. With predestination the ending is inevitable, but with destiny it is only desirable.

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St Dominic

Sunday, August 07, 2016
This year, the 800th of the Dominican Order, our governing body, the General Chapter, met in Bologna to discuss and plan the future of Dominicans throughout the world. As you might expect this involves hours and hours of talking and debate and so it must have come as some relief to the brethren when they were given a few hours respite from discussion in order to listen to a Jesuit named after a Franciscan tell them about that first Dominican, St Dominic. 
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Saturday, August 06, 2016

Along with hundreds of thousands of pilgrims, over the last couple of weeks, I've done my fair share of mountain climbing. In my case, first on the Polish-Slovak border, before World Youth Day and afterwards in Styria, Austria. Beyond the spectacular vistas, one of the beautiful things about the mountains is the quiet. There is a stillness which is conducive to prayer, and a sense of the beauty of the Father's creation in nature. Our Lord, Peter, John, and James went there to pray, but the latter three were to behold more than they bargained for.

The three disciples saw and understood fully for the first time that Jesus is at once one of the prophets and the one that was prophesied by them; and that he is God, and lives eternally and manifests Himself in a blaze of powerful, radiant light. Thus He came both to fulfil scripture and to make it new.

St. Thomas Aquinas gives over a whole section in his Summa Theologiae to this event in which he draws on the writings of the Church Fathers. Echoing the Venerable Bede, he writes that it was fitting that Christ should reveal his glory at the Transfiguration so that the disciples would know the purpose of their journey: eternal joy in heavenly glory in which our bodies will be transformed. For this reason, Thomas declares that the Transfiguration was "the greatest miracle" because it complemented baptism and revealed the perfection of life in Heaven. Though we have not seen the event like the disciples, today we are challenged to contemplate this miraculous revelation and make it our own. The mind boggles, and so it should. Read more

World Youth Day updates

Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Godzdogz team will be travelling by coach from our Priory of St Dominic in London with around 50 young pilgrims to Krakow, the city hosting this year's World Youth Day. The journey will be long, but a days visit to Cologne will help break-up it up.  Read more

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