Susan Potter


Post-postmodern infrastructure engineer (Scala, Haskell, Nix) obsessed with finance, Charlotte Brontë, bad pop. Brit ex-pat.

Urbana, IL
اگست 2008 کو شامل ہوئے

@SusanPotter بلاک ہے

کیا آپ واقعی یہ ٹویٹس دیکھنا چاہتے ہیں؟ ٹویٹس دیکھنے سے @SusanPotter ان بلاک نہیں ہوں گے۔

  1. پن کردہ ٹویٹ

    Morning Dijkstra: The purpose of abstraction is not to be vague, but to create a new semantic level in which one can be absolutely precise.

  2. It's 2016. Banks are being hacked with SQL injection, and we're debating whether encryption should be legal. I hate the future.

  3. A Princeton professor has posted a CV of his failures (). The best part is the meta-failure.

  4. OMG my manager followed me. This makes me Internet famous. Or something.

  5. TIL had a ponytail.

  6. Code is like humor. When you *have* to explain it, it’s bad.

  7. Remind me again, besides bugseverywhere, pitz, ditz, what other issue trackers are stored in your repo? (Git only requirement for us.) :)

  8. To be fair, I had to be mansplained about unspoken, unwritten requirements made between prior devs without docs or product involvement...

  9. I had a conversation at work just hours ago where I said this very thing. Why does this need saying, again?

  10. Wishing the dude reading Atlas Shurgged on this tablet would have watched the in-flight movie ('The Big Short') instead.

  11. well since you didn't follow them onto their fight I think I at least know who it wasn't... (;

  12. She is sadly not flying to SFO, on my flight anyway.

  13. Pretty sure I just walked past an OITNB cast member at ORD. That made me smile.

  14. I think the watershed moment when a cool, innovative startup becomes an obese, moribund corporation is probably the adoption of JIRA.

  15. I had to undo normal retweet to emphasize this by quoting (and then straight rewteet)!

  16. In the same vein as, "beware programmers carrying screwdrivers," there should be, "beware app developers diagnosing network issues."

لوڈنگ میں وقت لگ رہا ہے.

ٹوئٹر گنجائش سے زیادہ بوجھ یا ایک وقتی مشکل سے دوچار ہے۔ دوبارہ کوشش کریں یا مزید معلومات کے لیے ٹوئٹر اسٹیٹسپر جائیں۔

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