
A free usage tier, one month of AWS support, 1:1 office hours with Solutions Architects, technical training, exclusive offers, and more are only a few clicks away.

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EC2 Instance types and pricing models, tiered pricing for S3, innovative services and features, and special tools are a few of the ways we help you spend wisely.

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AWS Mobile Services are designed to help you quickly and easily build apps – use them for push notifications, user analytics, and to save and synchronize user data.

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In 2015 alone, AWS released 722 services and features. Build your infrastructure on a broad and deep platform that evolves so startups can innovate and go to market fast.

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With our numerous Software Developer Kits, you can be up and running on AWS quickly and using the technologies that your dev team is used to using.

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From the get-go you can run across our massive global infrastructure, or expand into any of our 25 availability zones when you need to.

View our global infrastructure »



You have enough on your plate, so we do all we can to make it easier for you to learn about and use AWS. That means a lot of free and helpful things: usage tiers, credits, support, training, and special offers, to name a few.

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The AWS Pop-up Lofts are where developers, engineers, entrepreneurs, and tech enthusiasts can get the in-person help and guidance they need to build on AWS or to build their startup. Learn, share, and hang out with AWS experts, other startups, and our special guests. You pay for nothing, from the bootcamps to the drinks.

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