Amazon Elasticsearch Service is a managed service that makes it easy to deploy, operate, and scale Elasticsearch in the AWS Cloud. Elasticsearch is a popular open-source search and analytics engine for use cases such as log analytics, real-time application monitoring, and click stream analytics. You can set up and configure your Amazon Elasticsearch cluster in minutes from the AWS Management Console. Amazon Elasticsearch Service provisions all the resources for your cluster and launches it. The service automatically detects and replaces failed Elasticsearch nodes, reducing the overhead associated with self-managed infrastructure and Elasticsearch software. Amazon Elasticsearch Service allows you to easily scale your cluster via a single API call or a few clicks in the AWS Management Console. With Amazon Elasticsearch Service, you get direct access to the Elasticsearch open-source API so that code and applications you’re already using with your existing Elasticsearch environments will work seamlessly.
To learn more about Elasticsearch and its uses, read the Getting Started section of Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide and register for our upcoming webinar:
- Log Analytics with Amazon Elasticsearch Service - September 21, 2016 l 1:00 - 2:00 PM PT
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AWS Free Tier includes 750 hrs per month of a t2.micro.elasticsearch instance and 10GB per month of optional Amazon EBS storage (Magnetic or General Purpose)
![CodePipeline_Benefit_StartedFast CodePipeline_Benefit_StartedFast](
Amazon Elasticsearch Service makes it easy to deploy Elasticsearch in the AWS cloud. Use the AWS Management Console or simple API calls to access a production-ready Amazon Elasticsearch cluster in minutes without worrying about infrastructure provisioning, or installing and maintaining Elasticsearch software.
![Benefit_Simple_Green Benefit_Simple_Green](
Amazon Elasticsearch Service simplifies time-consuming management tasks --such as ensuring high availability, patch management, failure detection and node replacement, backups, and monitoring-- allowing you to pursue higher value application development.
![Benefit_Scalable-Instance_Red Benefit_Scalable-Instance_Red](
Amazon Elasticsearch Service enables you to monitor your cluster through Amazon CloudWatch metrics and resize your cluster up or down via a single API call or a few clicks on the AWS Management Console.
![Benefit_Integration_LightBlue Benefit_Integration_LightBlue](
Logstash is an open-source data pipeline that helps you process logs and other event data, and load them into Elasticsearch. Kibana is an open-source analytics and visualization platform that helps you get a better understanding of your data in Elasticsearch. Amazon Elasticsearch Service includes built-in integration with Kibana and supports integration with Logstash.
![Benefit_Cost_Green Benefit_Cost_Green](
Amazon Elasticsearch Service saves you the administrative costs of setting up and managing Elasticsearch. You can scale up and scale down your cluster to deliver optimum performance as data and usage patterns change, paying only for the resources you actually consume. The on-demand pricing allows you to pay for resources by the hour with no long-term commitments and frees you from the costs and complexities of planning, purchasing, and maintaining hardware.
![Benefit_Secure_Yellow Benefit_Secure_Yellow](
You can control access to the Elasticsearch APIs using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies. Using IAM policies you can allow your applications to access your Amazon Elasticsearch clusters securely.
Capture activity logs across your customer-facing applications and websites. Use Logstash to push these logs to your Amazon Elasticsearch domain. Elasticsearch indexes the data and makes it available for analysis in near-real-time (less than one second). You can then use the built-in Kibana plug-in to visualize the data and perform operational analyses like identifying outages and problems. With Elasticsearch’s geospatial analysis, you can identify the geographical region where the problem is occurring. Troubleshooting teams can then search the index and perform statistical aggregations to identify root cause and fix issues.
Amazon Elasticsearch Service can be used to analyze streaming data from other AWS services including Amazon Kinesis and Amazon DynamoDB. You can use Elasticsearch’s percolation function, which allows you to watch for simple pre-defined patterns, such as a set of IP addresses, and trigger an instantaneous alert.
You can monitor the latest customer sentiment and trends on social media for your brand and products with Amazon Elasticsearch Service. Collect social media feeds from multiple social media forums such as Twitter and ingest them into a single Amazon Elasticsearch domain index through Logstash. Then analyze and visualize the data in Kibana to explore trends in customer sentiment. Your customer service team can also identify any trending questions and respond to them in near real-time.
You can use Amazon Elasticsearch Service to provide your customers with a rich search and navigation experience. Amazon Elasticsearch Service supports faceting, which allows your customers to narrow their search results by price bands, product characteristics, brands, etc., filtering for advanced search criteria, search-as-you-type suggesters, and near real-time updates on product ratings and reviews. In addition, you can build elasticity into your E-Commerce site because Amazon Elasticsearch Service provides easy scaling features to accommodate fluctuating volumes of queries.