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Fark Weird News Quiz - January 30, 2015 (Easy Version)

Welcome back to another edition of the weekly Fark Weird News Quiz. Every week we write a few questions on randomly picked weird news stories from the week. If you're ready to start, click the link below.

There's also a more challenging version of the quiz that's available right here.

Have fun, and good luck!

The Rules: Click any answer to proceed to the next question. There is no time limit, however your time is being tracked. Your score is tallied as you go, and once you finish, your final score will be presented to you!

Note: your score will not be saved after finishing because you aren't logged in. If you don't have a Fark account, you can get one (for free) here.

Start the quiz...

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  1. Links are submitted by members of the Fark community.

  2. When community members submit a link, they also write a custom headline for the story.

  3. Other Farkers comment on the links. This is the number of comments. Click here to read them.

  4. Click here to submit a link.
