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Fark Weird News Quiz - May 30, 2014 (Hard Version)

Thanks for trying to take the Fark Weird News Quiz. The quiz you're trying to take is the Hard Version of this week's quiz and is only available to logged in users. Please log in or create an account if you'd like to take the more challenging version. Creating an account is free and typically takes less than 60 seconds.

Or, return to the list of all quizzes if you want to try the easier version of the quiz.

Hi everybody, and welcome back for another Friday installment of the quiz.

For those of you who may be seeing this for the first time, there are two versions of this quiz, an easy one and a hard one. This is the hard version of the Fark Weird News Quiz, so if you're not logged in you won't be able to take it. Also, since nobody reads this blurb anymore, I'll just say that summertime is a magical and wonderful time. Make of that what you will.

For everyone else, once you're done with the tough version of the quiz, feel free to go back and check out the easy version.

The Rules: Click any answer to proceed to the next question. There is no time limit, however your time is being tracked. Your score is tallied as you go, and once you finish, your final score will be presented to you!

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