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38061 clicks; posted to Main » on 30 Jul 2003 at 12:22 PM (13 years ago)   |   Favorite   |   Watch    |   share:  Share on Twitter share via Email Share on Facebook   more»

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  2013-04-09 02:10:55 AM  
Hi Gwinny Mods can my first image>http://ww shop-these-magical-sprites?s tartid=83480148#c83503417  -- be removed? Please & Thank You
/ I tried to fix a frame --  it didn't help much
  2013-04-09 02:20:16 AM  
Dumski - Nice going on your 3-digit win in the "Not To Scale" thread. I never would have expected that to nail 100 votes. Just goes to show you that Farkers are like bears and cats. Totally unpredictable.
  2013-04-09 03:55:19 AM  
Does anyone notice anything familiar about teh 404 page at Boozefeed?
  2013-04-09 06:32:37 AM  
Got it, eyeoftheaxis. Thanks!
  2013-04-09 07:33:52 AM  

odenen: Dumski - Nice going on your 3-digit win in the "Not To Scale" thread. I never would have expected that to nail 100 votes. Just goes to show you that Farkers are like bears and cats. Totally unpredictable.

...and parrots.
#2 [TotalFark]
  2013-04-09 07:54:56 AM  
So I come back from my morning constitutional to find I'm Totally Farked!

I tip my hat to you Good Sir Eeek!,  it is much appreciated!

RSM:    "All right MacPherson, you're next, off you go!"
Captain:    "You see what is worrying me, sergeant major, is..."
MacPherson:     "I'll make it a gud'un, sir!" (the sound of bagpipes start up)

 / "Kamikaze Scotsmen" (Monty Python's Flying Circus - Episode 38)
  2013-04-09 08:31:37 AM  

#2: "I'll make it a gud'un, sir!" (the sound of bagpipes start up)

I will call the Unexploded Scotsman Squad, looks like we're going to need them again.
  2013-04-09 09:32:28 AM  

odenen: Dumski - Nice going on your 3-digit win in the "Not To Scale" thread. I never would have expected that to nail 100 votes. Just goes to show you that Farkers are like bears and cats. Totally unpredictable.

Thank you. I am completely aghast at the vote results too. Like StainedGlassRuby above, the idea to fruition was much less than I would normally spend on a shop. Go figure. I'll take it though.
  2013-04-09 12:22:56 PM  
If a any photo needs to be photoshopped, its this one. In the queue, for your considerationismish...
  2013-04-09 12:35:53 PM  

Dumski: If a any photo needs to be photoshopped, its this one. In the queue, for your considerationismish...

 Certainly has possibilities...
  2013-04-09 12:49:29 PM  

mrlizard: Dumski: If a any photo needs to be photoshopped, its this one. In the queue, for your considerationismish...

 Certainly has possibilities...

I think it was bighairyguy or odenen that said that the pudgy little fella could become a new meme (if he wasn't so apparently psycho). That photo is another sad attempt at propaganda, but the faces, the faces....
  2013-04-09 01:08:23 PM  
I've never posted here in the forum before, but I have to say, some of those "farkisms" you all came up with are pretty spectacular. My personal favorites of the bunch were definitely  Herb Utsmelz's Ugly-Ass Baby Christ and Because People in power are Stupid's Boobies Declaration. Eleventy billion points to you all.
  2013-04-09 01:47:04 PM  
No problem, #2. Always glad to see you participate
  2013-04-09 02:06:50 PM  

George Babbitt: that is designed to provide support for non-destructive editing i.e. adjustment layers

I came.
  2013-04-09 02:15:46 PM  

Dumski: If a any photo needs to be photoshopped, its this one. In the queue, for your considerationismish...

I love me a good DPRK thread as much as the next guy (or problably even more than the next guy*), but I think we should try to dial down the number of KJU-related O's, for fear of overdosing on the topic.

*Look at Moravius' or "Eric Lafforgue's stuff on Flickr for Best Korea at its bestest.
  2013-04-09 03:11:52 PM  
I love me a good DPRK thread as much as the next guy (or problably even more than the next guy*), but I think we should try to dial down the number of KJU-related O's, for fear of overdosing on the topic.

I do not disagree with your observation. I, in fact, stated so one of the previous contests, "Too much Kim lately". Yet on it went. I simply am following a lead. Some pictures are just asking for it.
 If it fails, it fails. I'm keeping it though..:)
  2013-04-09 03:16:29 PM  
It failed. Maybe I'll bring it back when we get tired of Lootie.....
  2013-04-09 03:24:26 PM  

Flab: George Babbitt: that is designed to provide support for non-destructive editing i.e. adjustment layers

I came.

Alright, alright...clean yourself up and try to wait for the party to actually start this time...hopefully at some point this century...
  2013-04-09 03:26:44 PM  

Dumski: It failed. Maybe I'll bring it back when we get tired of Lootie.....

I fear you'll have a long wait. Oh wait, we're tired of him already, it's the VOTERS that still think he's teh funnay. They keep voting for him, so we tend to keep shopping him.
  2013-04-09 04:10:59 PM  
I want to say "Thanks!" to all the folks who took the time to visit the recently resurrected Cliche City website, register, and upload a few images from their collections. Thanks to you, the site has just crossed the 300 image threshold with 75 new images (including classic cliches, blanks, and cutouts) added to the database in less than two weeks online!
  2013-04-09 05:01:24 PM  
Grampy, since your audience will primarily be Farkers, you should probably aligh your NSFW filter with Fark's.  The Attention-whore-doing-a-handstand and the drunk-girl-passed-out-on-a-picnic-table fail the no thong/string bikinis allowed test.

Also, you have a typo in "Reaves, Keanu".

Finally, Sharbat Gula shows up in the Gs as well as in the Ss.  While I am not fluent in Pashtun, I think her last name is Gula.
  2013-04-09 05:08:20 PM  

Flab: aligh


  2013-04-09 05:27:52 PM  
Flab: Grampy, since your audience will primarily be Farkers, you should probably aligh your NSFW filter with Fark's.  The Attention-whore-doing-a-handstand and the drunk-girl-passed-out-on-a-picnic-table fail the no thong/string bikinis allowed test.
Also, you have a typo in "Reaves, Keanu".
Finally, Sharbat Gula shows up in the Gs as well as in the Ss.  While I am not fluent in Pashtun, I think her last name is Gula.

Thanks for the comments, Flab, I'll make the corrections.

Regarding my NSFW filter, I'll give it some consideration although I think the Fark admins are sometimes a bit overzealous in that area.
  2013-04-09 05:34:03 PM  
A suitcase?? Please see my retort.
#2 [TotalFark]
  2013-04-09 05:48:38 PM  

Eeek: No problem, #2. Always glad to see you participate

I Thank You sincerely again Eeek, I hesitated on TF'ing due to a summer-long monster project I've just been assigned to, but 'shooping may help me to "relax."

/ Well, that and vodak.....

Paul:   "What's in the box?"
Reverend Mother:    "Pain."
   ('Dune' - 1984)
  2013-04-09 06:05:50 PM  
The queue needs some help again.   I'll start.
  2013-04-09 06:54:27 PM  

bighairyguy: The queue needs some help again.   I'll start.

Like this?
  2013-04-09 07:17:58 PM  

johnebones: bighairyguy: The queue needs some help again.   I'll start.

Like this?

Wow, that's awesome!
  2013-04-09 08:43:13 PM  
This has nothing to do with Photoshop but I think it will be of interest to many of the people who populate this forum.
A short while ago Mental Floss asked the question: "When did you go online?"  I answered, truthfully, "early '80's with TRS-80 and external 1200 baud modem to C-Serve."  I was just checking the forum when I had an epiphany:  That's not the first time I went online.  So, in the spirit of "Can you top this?" I give you my current response:

Answer: 1962 or '63.  I just remembered the IBM ATS System that I used to use (and fix.)   ATS stood for Automated Terminal System which consisted of 16 golf ball typewriters scattered around the building that would produce perfect copy documents.  It would also produce, automatically, justified output.  Your letter would look like a page of a book, with both right and left margins straight up and down.  The CPU was an IBM 1460 that had less power than my 7 year old cheapie cell phone.

I was also a user of the IBM Internal-Only V-Net which was world wide on VM from the late '70's.

Sorry to clutter things but I thought it might be fun.  I will humbly accept any and all brickbats, stomach punches, and whatever you care to send my way.
  2013-04-09 08:53:07 PM  

grampy: Flab: Grampy, since your audience will primarily be Farkers, you should probably aligh your NSFW filter with Fark's.  The Attention-whore-doing-a-handstand and the drunk-girl-passed-out-on-a-picnic-table fail the no thong/string bikinis allowed test.
Also, you have a typo in "Reaves, Keanu".
Finally, Sharbat Gula shows up in the Gs as well as in the Ss.  While I am not fluent in Pashtun, I think her last name is Gula.

Thanks for the comments, Flab, I'll make the corrections.

Regarding my NSFW filter, I'll give it some consideration although I think the Fark admins are sometimes a bit overzealous in that area.

FWIW I looked for her in A for "Afghan Girl."  Everybody knows who she is, I doubt that many know her name.  (much less her sad life)
  2013-04-09 09:23:10 PM  

uglyonef: FWIW I looked for her in A for "Afghan Girl." Everybody knows who she is, I doubt that many know her name

Fixed. For future searches you might find using the tags works fairly well. I try to remember to give most things more than one tag, for example if you're looking for something from Star Wars, using the "Movie" tag brings up a lot of stuff, using the "SciFi" tag will narrow it down a bit, and "Star Wars" will bring it down even more.
  2013-04-09 09:35:59 PM  

uglyonef: "When did you go online?"

I can't top your record, since I wasn't even born in the 60s.

Fall of '89.  I had a mainframe account at college for FORTRAN.  Apart from compiling trivial programs for my homework, I only used it to look for books at another college's library.  By '92, though I was ftp'ing the 53-diskette version of Slackware Linux during my CATIA classes.

uglyonef: I was also a user of the IBM Internal-Only V-Net which was world wide on VM from the late '70's.

Ah... I miss the user-firendliness of PROFS and OV/VM.  Not.
  2013-04-09 10:15:06 PM  

uglyonef: "When did you go online?"

I can't top that either.

First experience with computers was submitting programs on punch cards to the college IBM 360 in the mid 70's. Didn't actually get online until around 1988 with a Laser 128 (Apple IIe clone), 128K of memory, two 140kb floppy drives, and a 300 baud modem. Quickly set up my own Pro-DOS based BBS soon thereafter.
  2013-04-09 10:45:47 PM  
I''l jump in. In High school in 82, we had Radio Shack TRS-80's (affectionately called trash 80's) for the computer programming class. Ahhhh Basic. played lots of wormy, empire, and made up basic games and graphic animations. In the library though, they had a few Apple's II's I think. If you worked in the library or media center (film and video machine runners) like I did, after you took out or brought back projectors or old monster vhs machines, you got to "work" on the apples. I remember the parachute game, which I felt deja vu when I got my Ipod video that had the game on it.
  2013-04-10 12:04:14 AM  
spring '61 punch cards and some intro class. then a gap til '83 - '84 and some IBM  ATs and PC clones at work. one was set up in sales with a western union interface that allowed for communications with others who had the same software. was supposed to facilitate reservations. don't remember is being real successful. i had a loaner IBM AT at home and could dial into our DEC digital mainframe. although mainframe may be an overstatement. it had those big disks you had to load and unload.

remember DOS and how if you were real tired late at night and formatting 5.25 floppies you could see Format C: Y N and hit Y? and the fun that was.

or be copying files on your bosses office manager's machine and type delete *.* and hit enter. yeah fun times. that machine never did recover from that.

dec '95 i bought my first computer. a IBM Aptiva. had a pentium100, 8MB of RAM and a 1.2GB HDD. within a year it had an evergreen K6 AMD 300 hz CPU, 64MB RAM and two HDDs. one a warranty replacement 2.00 GB and one a whopping 4.0GB western digital. that baby cost me $209 and worth every penny.
  2013-04-10 12:33:29 AM  
Before there is too much bragging about who's onion is bigger, there should be a definition of what "online" means. For the younger crowd it means www, not when "we" first laid our hands on a "computer". To the under 50 crowd we are dinosaurs. Still, it is fun to reminisce.
I remember first laying my hands on a video camera and recorder in 1975. That was intoxicating, and empowering. Hoo-ah!
  2013-04-10 01:01:23 AM  
I think "online" was a reality a long time before anyone every strung 3 w's together and praised Al Gore for inventing the Intertubes.

So if you think "online" means communicating with people who are not near you using a computer, then things like Bitnet, CSNet and UseNet should suffice.  I just did some Google searches and found mildy embarrassing e-mail messages I sent back in 1983, archived for all eternity naturally.  Ugh...

I can't imaging the horrors the "grew up with Facebook" generation will have to face ~10-15 years from now.
  2013-04-10 01:05:42 AM  
Choc-Ful-A:  I can't imaging the horrors the "grew up with Facebook" generation will have to face ~10-15 years from now.

are myspace pages archived? couldn't be much worse than that.
  2013-04-10 06:55:23 AM  
Anybody remember Fidonet? Several locals put together a regional network with one guy who had a high speed satellite data feed. Everyone else chipped in to help him pay his access fees.  That was when "high speed" was anything above 2400 baud :)
  2013-04-10 07:02:55 AM  
Somebody slap the parrot. The contest for 8 p.m. on April 13 is a duplicate for the one at 4 p.m. on the same day.
  2013-04-10 07:53:13 AM  
Hmmm, I guess 1989 using the NCIC/NLETS (National Criminal Information Center/National Law Enforcement Terminal System) counts as going "online".  Back in those days we would use the system to send messages, which were actually emails I suppose, to various agencies and departments.  Usually very important things like Santa Clause sightings and inter agency softball games.

I am giving to understand it is primarily used for domestic spying and stalking potential dates these days.
  2013-04-10 07:55:50 AM  
Though my first "personal" online activity was Prodigy in 1995, hanging out in the David Eddings Chat, I almost married a girl I met on Prodigy.  It didn't work out, she thought the Belgariad was Eddings' best book, I was bigger fan of the Elenium.
  2013-04-10 08:32:12 AM  

grampy: Somebody slap the parrot. The contest for 8 p.m. on April 13 is a duplicate for the one at 4 p.m. on the same day.

Yup. My theory is playing out. The mysterious and slightly worrisome absence of Gwinny lines up with the stuttering and stumbling with the queue. Ergo, she was the beautiful feathered creature that kept the submissions flowing seamlessly, even though many of us were slain by the submission sword into redness.
Wherefore art thou, lest we fall?
  2013-04-10 08:43:34 AM  
Punch cards in grad school in 1970.  Otherwise 1994-5 with AOL.  Any one got any discs left?
  2013-04-10 08:47:27 AM  

grampy: Somebody slap the parrot. The contest for 8 p.m. on April 13 is a duplicate for the one at 4 p.m. on the same day.

I used the "Notify admins about this link
(link/headline related issues:">bad link, repeats, etc.) " at the bottom of the page in red to notify of the repeat; it's always been a quick way to get the problem fixed.
  2013-04-10 08:50:03 AM  
Not that it has to do anything with PS, but I was wondering last night about the ages of current Farkers, thinking that most of us in the PSAEF are a little older (35+), but if Fark was still picking up the under 30 crowd, or has FB, Twitter and the like have drawn them away. Probably no real way to tell.  Also, I think Gwinny goes to France about this time of the year, so she is probably knee deep in the wine press and doesn't have time to mod.

/shadow cast at 37degree angle
  2013-04-10 09:46:57 AM  

oldernell: Not that it has to do anything with PS, but I was wondering last night about the ages of current Farkers, thinking that most of us in the PSAEF are a little older (35+), but if Fark was still picking up the under 30 crowd, or has FB, Twitter and the like have drawn them away.

It's what I suspected, we're dudes, we're middle aged and we're nerds.
  2013-04-10 09:52:12 AM  

oldernell: Not that it has to do anything with PS, but I was wondering last night about the ages of current Farkers, thinking that most of us in the PSAEF are a little older (35+), but if Fark was still picking up the under 30 crowd, or has FB, Twitter and the like have drawn them away. Probably no real way to tell.  Also, I think Gwinny goes to France about this time of the year, so she is probably knee deep in the wine press and doesn't have time to mod.

/shadow cast at 37degree angle

Kelly Lockhart used hang out and pick up the pieces by reviewing the redlits and greening some as appropriate.  Maybe Drew didn't do a headcount before getting the troops back on the bus and Kelly is face down in a New Orleans gutter.  NTTAWWT
  2013-04-10 10:02:02 AM  
I was looking for my earliest footprints on the Internets, and all I can find is my .sig file collected on some guy's web page.  Doesn't Google keep USENET stuff from the late Cretaceous?
  2013-04-10 10:23:49 AM  

Ennuipoet: Though my first "personal" online activity was Prodigy in 1995, hanging out in the David Eddings Chat, I almost married a girl I met on Prodigy.  It didn't work out, she thought the Belgariad was Eddings' best book, I was bigger fan of the Elenium.

Mine was around the same time, and I'll just leave it at this: the phrase "you've got mail" was involved.
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