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8633 clicks; posted to Entertainment » on 06 Feb 2007 at 5:32 PM (9 years ago)   |   Favorite   |   Watch    |   share:  Share on Twitter share via Email Share on Facebook   more»

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  2007-02-06 04:51:45 PM  
This is meant to replace all the individual TV show threads.
  2007-02-06 05:13:18 PM  
ALLLLLL right, it's about time: Let's talk Cribs!
  2007-02-06 05:35:04 PM  
Linderman can shoot beems from his eyes lAWl!
  2007-02-06 05:35:18 PM  
Let's chat about World News Tonight.
  2007-02-06 05:37:44 PM  
CNN latenight isn't as sexy as late night Skinemax.
  2007-02-06 05:40:37 PM  
I like lamp.
  2007-02-06 05:43:14 PM  
I love the fact that Mythbusters is repeated ad nauseum, but can't they switch around the shows? At least three airings of the whirlpool ep in the last 5 days or so. k, i watched two of them.
  2007-02-06 05:46:07 PM  
What the heck is this "Heroes" thing I keep hearing mentioned?
  2007-02-06 05:46:09 PM  
So who wound up shooting J.R.?
  2007-02-06 05:46:24 PM  
No spoilers? That takes away half the fun of actually discussing one of the shows as it is happening.

But thanks MODS, still cool.
  2007-02-06 05:47:17 PM  
  2007-02-06 05:48:03 PM  
Alex Krycek is watching you masturbate
  2007-02-06 05:49:21 PM  
Was it all a dream? I heard it was all a dream.
  2007-02-06 05:54:32 PM  

What part of "no spoilers" don't you under stand. You've ruined my "Friday night Sci-Fi Rerun because I like 24 more than Heroes" and made the baby jesus cry.

Ah well, all in a day.
  2007-02-06 05:57:35 PM  

He didn't give a spoiler. He gave a funny joke. Linderman has not only NOT been shown, but also has no allusion to him having powers. You are safe.

Oh, by the way, Peter dies this week.

  2007-02-06 05:58:05 PM  
linderman does NOT shoot 'beems'

cyclops does
  2007-02-06 05:58:32 PM  
How it's Made is the best show on earth, when there isn't anything else on to watch.

There isn't anything on right now :(
  2007-02-06 05:59:49 PM  
TTBoyArDee: You've ruined my "Friday night Sci-Fi Rerun because I like 24 more than Heroes" and made the baby jesus cry.

Oh, and I took Claire's virginity. Although I can't prove it now.
  2007-02-06 06:01:19 PM  
I'm especially disappointed with this weeks Studio 60. "What America will be talking about" my buttcheeks.

The only thing I'm talking about today is how the show had a lot of potential and is now running itself into the ground. I actually enjoyed the show when it started. Now I just want to see Matt & Harriet kill each other slowly with blunt instruments.

Oh well, come March we'll never see the show again. Good jorb, Sorkin.
  2007-02-06 06:02:24 PM  
Oh, I went more in depth about Studio 60 on my blog, but I won't be a 'tard and post it here. Find it in my profile.
  2007-02-06 06:08:12 PM  
Haggis: Studio 60

Didn't they just cancel Studio 60
  2007-02-06 06:12:51 PM  
This is farking stupid. I don't wanna talk about "Heroes" or "BSG" while some other idiot is raving about "American Idol". CHANGE IT BACK!!!!
  2007-02-06 06:13:22 PM  
Not cancelled, shelved while they put their wanna-be Sopranos on the air. Although it's not likely they'll put Studio 60 back on the air.
  2007-02-06 06:15:46 PM  
[sarcasm on]yeah, this'll work superbly.[sarcasm off]
  2007-02-06 06:27:10 PM  
Haggis: Not cancelled, shelved while they put their wanna-be Sopranos on the air. Although it's not likely they'll put Studio 60 back on the air.

Ahh, thanks. I did not realise there was a difference.
  2007-02-06 06:43:26 PM  
Count me in with the other five or six people in world who really liked Studio 60, dammit. I think Amanda Peet's pregnancy kinda farked it though. She is way too hot to have a believable romance with Bradley Whitford's ugly, irritating character.
  2007-02-06 06:45:14 PM  
  2007-02-06 06:49:03 PM  
So, what, us liters never get another 24 thread?

05 FEB 07
  2007-02-06 06:49:47 PM  
Hey, honestly, how about another tab for TV shows?
  2007-02-06 06:55:09 PM  
ubermensch: 05 FEB 07

Quit living in the past, man.
  2007-02-06 06:58:12 PM  
So no more '24' threads, huh?

So how about that TV show that was on earlier that had the guy with the thing? That rocked.

  2007-02-06 07:10:45 PM  
Attack of the Show and X-Play are the only things worth watching on G4.
  2007-02-06 07:27:47 PM  
Atirracs: How it's Made is the best show on earth, when there isn't anything else on to watch.

It suffers from a couple problems:
1) It never gives enough time to any one item, so you don't get a good idea how it is actually made, and
2) They usually focus on crap- who wants to see about Longaberger?

Or is that "Made in America?" Those two shows are kind of duplicates of one another, just different hosts.
  2007-02-06 07:31:34 PM  
I liked Studio 60, mostly because they gave me Lucy Davis and Amanda Peet on a weekly basis. Perry was great in that role, I can't imagine he'll get a better gig.
  2007-02-06 07:35:06 PM  
This will be great! I cannot wait to read what is going on in "Heroes" as I comment on "24". It will save me the time of recording it and watching it afterwards.
  2007-02-06 07:39:48 PM  
Hate to ruin it, but he never actually punches her to the moon. He waits until the camera is off and beats the sh*t out of her.
  2007-02-06 07:42:30 PM
Testudo et Lepus

/just keeps getting better
  2007-02-06 07:52:44 PM  
akula: It suffers from a couple problems:
1) It never gives enough time to any one item, so you don't get a good idea how it is actually made, and
2) They usually focus on crap- who wants to see about Longaberger?

Or is that "Made in America?" Those two shows are kind of duplicates of one another, just different hosts.

It satisfies my curiosity often enough that I don't mind it so. It is somewhat abbreviated but how much of an assembly line do you actually need to see?
  2007-02-06 08:00:40 PM  
Atirracs: It is somewhat abbreviated but how much of an assembly line do you actually need to see?

ALL of it.

But then, I'm just a geek like that.
  2007-02-06 08:02:01 PM  
So, dare we start making fun of the usual crop of AI rejects here? Not like there's anyplace else...
  2007-02-06 08:03:35 PM  
akula: So, dare we start making fun of the usual crop of AI rejects here? Not like there's anyplace else...

yep yep
  2007-02-06 08:04:10 PM  
Haha, we have a weiner
  2007-02-06 08:04:34 PM  
One word:

  2007-02-06 08:04:35 PM  
American Idol: this guy's version of "Rebel Yell" is the South's revenge for losing the war.
  2007-02-06 08:05:22 PM  
akula: So, dare we start making fun of the usual crop of AI rejects here?

Definitely. I love making fun of the retards who watch that show.
  2007-02-06 08:06:49 PM  
Mugato: Definitely. I love making fun of the retards who watch that show.

Oh oooh! Do me next!
  2007-02-06 08:07:26 PM  
Not bad singer. She's on to Hollywood. Flabby arms tho.
  2007-02-06 08:08:12 PM  
Nice smile. Good voice.
  2007-02-06 08:09:33 PM  
I just love the way that people are so classy when they get rejected. They're so, like, professional.
  2007-02-06 08:14:17 PM  
Ice pick... apply directly to the eardums...
Displayed 50 of 904 comments

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