
Spreading the Strike: Solidarity Actions Across North America for September 9th

August 16, 2016

Originally published to It’s Going Down
Add Your Event: info[at]itsgoingdown[dot]org

People are organizing across the United States and the world in order to stand in the streets in solidarity with those locked behind bars who will strike on September 9th against prison slavery. Already, a wide range of actions have taken place in the run up to the strike. This includes large scale flyering and street propaganda campaigns, banner drops, noise demonstrations outside of jails and detention facilities, and informational events. All of this activity helps to build the capacity of the strike to bring in more people who can take an active role, as well as spread information about the struggle being waged by prisoners on the inside. These actions also bring many organizations, crews, and individuals together that before have previously never worked side by side and helps expose white supremacy as both a system of social control and racial apartheid and an apparatus of management that facilitates the creation of billions of dollars of profits.

In order to better prepare for the strike, here we are going to create a regularly updated page that includes a diary of actions and a list of events and mobilizations leading up to and around the 9th. We know that many events are still in the works, so when you are ready, either submit an event here or email us at: info[at]itsgoingdown[dot]org. In this way, we hope to build a large, multi-faceted, and extremely diverse resistance movement that can support and expand the strike against prison slavery that will continue to take shape on September 9th and beyond.

Diary of Actions (July – September 2016)




Events Leading Up to September 9th and Beyond

Tacoma, WA: 

  • September 9th: Demonstration at detention facility in solidarity national prison strike. More info here.

Olympia, WA: 

  • August 29th: Info-night and presentation on strike. More info here.
  • September 9th: Noise demonstration in solidarity with striking prisoners. More info here.

Portland, OR:

  • August 25th: Info-night and presentation on prison strike at Anarres Infoshop. More info here.
  • August 31st: Presentation and discussion linking George Jackson and Attica Revolt to Prison Strike. More info here.
  • September 7th: Benefit show to raise money and awareness for the strike. More info here.
  • September 9th: Rally and march on corporations profiting from prison labor and in solidarity with prison strike. More info here.

Eugene, OR: 

Corvallis, OR: 

  • September 9th: Demonstration in solidarity with national prison strike. More info here.

Eureka, CA:

  • September 9th: Solidarity demonstration with national prison strike. More info here.

Oakland, CA:

  • September 3rd: Brunch picnic to benefit IWOC and prison strike. More info here.
  • September 9th: BBQ to make banners, discuss strike, and watch films. More info here.
  • September 10th: Rally and march on corporations profiting from prison labor and in solidarity with prison strike. More info here.

Merced, CA: 

  • September 9th: Support event for prisoners going on strike. More info here.

Santa Barbara, CA: 

  • September 9th: Rally outside of Santa Barbara County Jail, 6:30 PM. More info here.

Los Angeles, CA:

  • September 9th: Noise demonstration in solidarity with the prison strike. More info here.

Phoenix, AZ: 

  • September 9th: Rally outside of facility in solidarity with prison strike. More info here.
  • September 10th: Teach-in and info-night on mass incarceration and the prison strike. More info here.

Tucson, AZ:

  • September 10th: March in solidarity with prison rebels. More info here.

Buckeye, AZ: 

  • September 9th: Rally in support of strike and against toxic prisons. More info here.

Milwaukee, WI: 

Bloomington, IN: 

  • September 2nd: Film screening in anticipation of the national prison strike on Sept. 9th. Potluck dinner before! Outside (bring a blanket or something), northwest corner of 11th and Maple, 8pm.
  • September 7th – Strike Conclusion: Ongoing solidarity assemblies and agitation at People’s Park beginning
    9/7 and continuing until the conclusion of the strike and the end of any retaliation against participating prisoners. Assemblies every night at 7:30 to share updates and coordinate actions, with public presence
    beginning earlier in the evening. Expect films, workshops, information tables, and smaller or larger actions launched at People’s Park.

Indianapolis, IN: 

  • September 9th: Noise demo in solidarity with national prison strike. More info here.

St. Cloud, MN: 

Minneapolis, MN: 

  • September 10: Noise demonstration outside of youth jail in solidarity with prison strike. More info here and here.

Denver, CO: 

  • September 9th: Noise demonstration outside of youth jail in solidarity with prison strike. More info here.

Chicago, IL:

  • August 18th: Envelope filling and open discussion on prison strike. More info here.
  • September 9th: Rally and march in solidarity with the national prison strike. More info here.

Carbondale, IL: 

  • September 9th: Noise demonstration at an Illinois prison.
  • September 10th: BBQ and teach-in about the strike. More info here.

East Lansing, MI: 

  • September 9th: Noise demonstration in solidarity with national prison strike. More info here.

Lucasville, OH:

  • September 9th: Solidarity demonstration with national prison strike. 1:30 PM.

Toledo, OH: 

  • September 10th: Demonstration in solidarity with national prison strike. More info here.

Cleveland, OH: 

  • September 9th: Demonstration in solidarity with national prison strike. More info here.

Columbus, OH:

  • August 26th-28th: Bend the Bars Conference. Midwestern Convergence in support of prisoner struggles. More info here.
  • August 27th: March and demonstration in connection with Bend the Bars Conference. More info here.

Cincinnati, OH: 

  • September 9th: Hamilton County Justice Center, 11 am, bring signs supporting prisoners. Contact Sonny Williams for more info: 513 751-2090.

Kansas City, MO: 

  • September 9th: Community event supporting the national prison strike. More info here.


St. Louis, MO: 

  • September 1st: Discussion, banner making party. More info here.
  • September 9th: Solidarity demonstration at Hickey Park, 8674 N Broadway, at 6:30 PM.

Denton, TX:

  • September 9th: Noise demonstration in solidarity with prison strike. More info here.

Austin, TX: 

Houston, TX:

  • September 10th: Prison strike solidarity speak out and noise demonstration. More info here.

Mount Olive, WV: 

  • September 11th: Rally and demonstration in solidarity with national prison strike. More info here.

Atlanta, GA: 

Bessemer, AL: 

  • August 27th: Incarcerated Lives Matter protest outside of prison. Organized by Mothers and Familes (MAF), and part of wider tour. More info here.

New Orleans, LA: 

  • September 9th: Noise demonstration in solidarity with the national prison strike. More info here.

Nashville, TN: 

  • September 3rd: Support action for national prison strike and to raise awareness. More info here.
  • September 9th: Noise demonstration in support of prison strike. More info here.

Jessup, MD: 

  • September 10th: Demonstration in solidarity with national prison strike. More info here.

College Park, MD: 

  • September 9th: Teach-in and phone banking for national prison strike. More info here.

Cumberland, MD: 

  • September 9th: Noise demonstration in solidarity with the strike. More info here.

Washington, DC: 

Asheville, NC: 

  • September 2nd: Info night and open discussion on prison strike. More info here.
  • September 9th: March in solidarity with national prison strike. 5:30 PM, meet at Aston Park, South French Broad Ave and Hilliard.

Durham, NC: 

  • September 9th: March in Resistance to Prison Slavery. Meet at Durham Central Park, 7:30 pm. More info here.

Hutchinson, KY: 

  • September 9th: Demonstration in solidarity with national prison strike. 10 am. Hutchibson Correctional Facility,  500
    Reformatory Street in Hutchinson.

Tallahassee, FL: 

Gainesville, FL: 

  • September 9th: Protest at Wal-Mart in solidarity with national prison strike. More info here.

Fort Lauderdale, FL: 

  • September 9th: Noise demonstration in solidarity the national prison strike. More info here.

Wildwood, FL:

Detroit, MI: 

  • September 9th: Noise demonstration in solidarity with national prison strike. More info here.

Pittsburgh, PA: 

  • August 28th: Strike solidarity planning meeting. More info here.
  • September 9th: Noise demonstration in solidarity with national prison strike. More info here.

Philadelphia, PA: 

Worcester, MA: 

  • September 9th: Noise demonstration in solidarity with national prison strike. More info here.

Providence, RI: 

  • September 9th: Rally and march in solidarity with national prison strike. More info here.

Camden, NJ: 

  • September 9th: Rally and outreach event in solidarity with national prison strike. More info here.

Newark, NJ: 

  • September 9th: Rally and outreach event in solidarity with national prison strike. More info here.

Rochester, NY:

Ithaca, NY: 

  • September 9th: Rally and noise demonstration in solidarity with national prison strike. More info here.

Bronx, NY: 

Brooklyn, NY:

  • August 20th: Prison letter stuffing party. More info here.
  • September 9th: Prison strike solidarity and noise demonstration out of jail. More info here.

Have something planned but don’t see your event listed? Email us at: info[at]itsgoingdown[dot]org. 

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