Debian GNU/Linux 8 (Jessie)

Debian is a computer operating system composed of software packages released as free and open source software primarily under the GNU General Public License along with other free software licenses. Debian GNU/Linux, which includes the GNU OS tools and Linux kernel, is a popular and influential Linux distribution. It is distributed with access to repositories containing thousands of software packages ready for installation and use. Debian is known for relatively strict adherence to the philosophies of Unix and free software as well as using collaborative software development and testing pro... See more

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Lacks c4.8xlarge support. Why?

  • By folex
  • on 10/28/2016

Lacks c4.8xlarge support. Why? Big m4 instances are there, but not c4? Is there any reason for that? Very strange.

Great, it's Debian after all

  • By ft
  • on 10/05/2016

The only thing I wish is that an ami with /var separated out would be nice to have. It's a significant hassle to do this.

AMI Instance Authentication Issues

  • By linux_aws
  • on 09/01/2016

If this AMI is used to create an instance, that would change something and use it to create a new AMI, then the authentication on the latest instance created will be possible only using the initial SSH authentication keys that has been used initially, even if you add a different key when creating the final instance. Anyone has an idea why?

Could not use snapshot to launch new instance

  • By jk04
  • on 03/29/2016

I use Debian everywhere but am not sure if I will use it again on aws. Today, I created a new image from a snapshot but could not launch a new instance from the image. Here is the error message:

Launch Failed
The instance configuration for this AWS Marketplace product is not supported. Please see for more information about supported instance types, regions, and operating systems.

Creating security groups Successful
Authorizing inbound rules Successful
Initiating launches Failure

This means if you terminate your instance intentionally or by accident, you won't be able to create it from your snapshots.

Nothing wrong with this image (Check your routing table)

  • By CyrexCore2k "CyrexCore2k"
  • on 12/31/2015

Like others I experienced some issues connecting to instances spun up from this image. The reason people are having trouble is this image runs on a VPC which is a little bit trickier to configure than EC2. In addition to the Elastic IP and Security Group you need a VPC, Subnet, Routing Table, Gateway. None of the configuration is terribly complex if you're familiar with the concepts but there's just a lot of ways it can be done incorrectly. In my case I forgot to add my gateway to the routing table so none of the instance's traffic was making it back to me. Once I added the gateway to the routing table everything worked great. :)

Only 8GB

  • By Shawn Welch
  • on 12/15/2015

Totally sucks. Every Debian Jessie AMI in marketplace and community will ONLY partition itself with 8GB despite setting the EBS size.


  • By Tom "tom1384"
  • on 11/16/2015

This is a fantastic Debian image. Users complaining that the admin user doesn't work are probably not authenticating with their AWS key. It is key-based authentication with "admin" as the user. I just built another instance today using this image, and it worked just fine. Thanks Debian!

AMI broken

  • By Andrew
  • on 11/04/2015

These AMI's are broken, and don't allow login with the 'admin' user as documented. There is no support available for this, so good luck logging in!

could not be connected after boot

  • By Stephon Chen
  • on 10/31/2015

I could not connect the instance after instance launched.
the same security group setting in Amazon AMI works.
Besides, nothing to test further.

Fast, easy, sane Debian deployment to EC2

  • By Oak Labs
  • on 10/28/2015

So glad the Debian project maintains this AMI. Working great for our provisioning of new machines as we build out our infrastructure.