
30 Day Free Trial Available - Zoomdata for AWS is the Fastest Visual Analytics for Big Data and includes smart connectors for Redshift, S3, Kinesis, Apache Spark, Cloudera, Hortonworks, MapR, Elastic, real time, SQL and noSQL sources. Sign up for a free trial today, and you'll be visualizing billions of rows of data in seconds! Free support is available for users who register at http://go.zoomdata.com/awstrial . Using patented Data Sharpening and micro-query technologies, Zoomdata visualizes Big Data in seconds, even across billions of rows of data. Zoomdata is designed for the business user -- not just data analysts -- via an intuitive user interface that can be used for interactive dashboards or embedded in a custom application. GovCloud users, the Zoomdata AMI is now available. To purchase a license or to learn more about Zoomdata on GovCloud, complete the linked form, so our team can contact you. http://www.zoomdata.com/resource/aws-zoomdata-cloud-trial/ ... Read more

Customer Rating

(1 Customer Review)
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Latest Version

2.3.4 (Other available versions)

Operating System

Linux/Unix, CentOS 7

Delivery Method

64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI) (Read more)

AWS Services Required

Amazon EC2, Amazon EBS


  • Register now, for a free $200 credit and 30 day trial with Premium support. Get started today. http://go.zoomdata.com/awstrial
  • Zoomdata recommends .xlarge for pilots and small deployments, .2xlarge or .4xlarge for medium deployments and .8xlarge or .10xlarge for large deployments. Click here for more details. http://www.zoomdata.com/partners/amazon/#config
  • Built for Big Data: By taking the query to the data, Zoomdata leverages the power of modern databases to visualize billions of data points in seconds. Includes Redshift, S3, Cloudera, Solr, and Hortonworks connectors.

Product Description

Zoomdata for AWS is the Fastest Visual Analytics for Big Data and includes smart connectors for Redshift, S3, Kinesis, Apache Spark, Cloudera, Hortonworks, MapR, Elastic, real time, SQL and noSQL sources. Sign up for a free trial today, and you'll be visualizing billions of rows of data in seconds! Free support is available for users who register at http://go.zoomdata.com/awstrial . Using patented Data Sharpening and micro-query technologies, Zoomdata visualizes Big Data in seconds, even across billions of rows of data. Zoomdata is designed for the business user -- not just data analysts -- via an intuitive user interface that can be used for interactive dashboards or embedded in a custom application.

GovCloud users, the Zoomdata AMI is now available. To purchase a license or to learn more about Zoomdata on GovCloud, complete the linked form, so our team can contact you. http://www.zoomdata.com/resource/aws-zoomdata-cloud-trial/

Zoomdata is also previewing its integration with Amazon Alexa/Echo, which allows users to use voice commands to query Zoomdata. Click here to view the video https://youtu.be/1GCCEiShqEk Click here to keep up to date on news about Zoomdata's integration with Alexa http://go.zoomdata.com/awstrial

Product Details

  • Version: 2.3.4
  • Available on AWS Marketplace Since: 02/04/2016

Annual Subscription Details

Annual software subscription requires one time up front payment with no ongoing charges, and covers all software fees for the selected instance type. Hourly AWS infrastructure usage fees still apply. Learn more about annual subscriptions


Usage Instructions

Access the application via a browser at https://<public_dns>:8443/zoomdata. Zoomdata administrator account (admin;supervisor) passwords are defaulted to the AWS instance ID found in the AWS EC2 management...

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Support Details


Evaluation Support is included in the 30 Day Free Trial
Premium Support is included with a paid subscription on the AWS marketplace
Managed Plus Support is our premier level of support. Managed Plus customers can create and track support activities, have access to a support engineer, and phone and chat support. To learn more, click here. http://www.zoomdata.com/contact-us/


AWS Infrastructure

AWS Support is a one-on-one, fast-response support channel that is staffed 24x7x365 with experienced and technical support engineers. The service helps customers of all sizes and technical abilities to successfully utilize the products and features provided by Amazon Web Services. Learn more

Refund Policy

We do not currently support refunds, but you can cancel at any time.

Annual Subscriptions:

Annual subscription cancellations or downgrades are not supported. If you need help with or want to upgrade your subscriptions, please click here

End User License Agreement

By subscribing to this product you agree to terms and conditions outlined in the product End User License Agreement (EULA).


You will have an opportunity to review your order before launching or being charged.

Pricing Details

For Region

Free Trial

Try one instance of this product for 30 days. There will be no hourly software charges for that instance, but AWS infrastructure charges still apply. Free Trials will automatically convert to a paid hourly subscription upon expiration. Note that Free Trials are only applicable for hourly subscriptions, but you can opt to purchase an annual subscription at any time.

Software Pricing:

Hourly Fees

Total hourly fees will vary by instance type and EC2 region.

Software annual pricing savings over hourly: 9% - 10%

EC2 Instance Type Software EC2 Total
m3.xlarge $3.06/hr $0.266/hr $3.326/hr
m3.2xlarge $6.12/hr $0.532/hr $6.652/hr
r3.xlarge $3.83/hr $0.333/hr $4.163/hr
r3.2xlarge $7.65/hr $0.665/hr $8.315/hr
r3.4xlarge $15.30/hr $1.33/hr $16.63/hr
r3.8xlarge $30.59/hr $2.66/hr $33.25/hr
m4.xlarge $2.75/hr $0.239/hr $2.989/hr
m4.2xlarge $5.51/hr $0.479/hr $5.989/hr
m4.4xlarge $11.02/hr $0.958/hr $11.978/hr
m4.10xlarge $27.35/hr $2.394/hr $29.744/hr

EBS General Purpose (SSD) volumes

  • $0.10 per GB-month of provisioned storage

Assumes On-Demand EC2 pricing

Learn about instance types

Data Transfer Fees not included

Learn more about Data Transfer Fees

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Recent Product Reviews


Great Product!!

Zoomdata is a great product. We have used it to support multiple customer use cases. The system allows...

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