- published: 21 Jun 2016
- views: 257
Sergei Roldugin (born in Riga, 1951) is a Latvian cellist settled in Saint Petersburg.
He was awarded the 1980 Prague Spring International Music Festival Competition's 3rd prize. In 1984 Roldugin was appointed the Kirov Opera Theatre Orchestra's principal cellist. He subsequently held a professorship at the Saint Petersburg Conservatory, where he served as the institution's rector from 2002-05. The Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra's Guest Conductor, he has been named a People's Artist of Russia.
The Roldugin Connection
Sibelius Violin Concerto Maxim Fedotov violin /Sergey Roldugin-conductor
Beethoven Violin Concerto.Maxim Fedotov violin Sergey Roldugin conductor
Brahms Violin Concerto Maxim Fedotov /Sergey Roldugin-conductor
Große russische Meister im Internationalen Brucknerfest Linz 2013
Putin's friend explains funds listed in the Panama Papers
Мое интервью с Олегом Ролдугиным // My Interview with Oleg Roldugin
Beethoven Violin Romance in F. Maxim Fedotov violin Sergey Roldugin-conductor
Putin 'Brother' Named In Panama Papers In $2 Billion Scandal
Panama Leak Sparks Global Investigations
President Vladimir Putin's friend, celebrated cellist Sergei Roldugin, was affiliated with an offshore company that made millions doing business with Bank Rossiya - the private bank of Putin's friends. Read the story here: https://www.occrp.org/en/panamapapers/rossiya-putins-bank/
Sibelius Violin Concerto in D minor op. 47. 1,2,3 Parts. Maxim Fedotov violin, Sergey Roldugin conductor. Moscow Conservatory. Great Hall. Moscow city symphony orchestra "Russian Philharmonia"( Art director and Principal conductor Maxim Fedotov) 2009. Симфонический вечер Максима Федотова в Большом зале Московской Консерватоии. 2009 год. Сибелиус Концерт для скрипки с оркестром ре минор соч.47. Максим Федотов скрипка, Сергей Ролдугин дирижер Симфонический оркестр Москвы "Русская Филармония" (Художественный руководительи Главный дирижер Народный артист России Максим Федотов)
Бетховен Концерт для скрипки с оркестром ре мажор в 3-х частях Максим Федотов (скрипка),Симфонический оркестр Москвы "Русская Филармония"(Художественный руководитель и главный дирижер Народный артист России Максим Федотов) Дирижер-Народный артист России Сергей Ролдугин (Бетховенский вечер М.Федотова в Большом зале Московской консерватории 2009 г.) Beethoven Violin Concerto D-dur. Maxim Fedotov (violin), Sergey Roldugin (conductor) Moscow sity symphony orchestra "Russian Philharmonia"(Art director and Principal conductor Maxim Fedotov). Moscow Conservatory. Great Hall. 2009.
Brahms Violin Concerto in D major op. 77. Maxim Fedotov violin, Sergey Roldugin conductor. Moscow Conservatory. Great Hall. 2009. 1 Part--00. 2 Part-- 26' 10". 3 Part-- 35'40" . Moscow city symphony orchestra "Russian Philharmonia" ( Art director and Principal conductor Maxim Fedotov) Брамс Концерт для Скрипки с оркестром Ре Мажор соч.77. Максим ФЕДОТОВ скрипка. Сергей РОЛДУГИН дирижер Большой зал Московской консерватории. Симфонический вечер Максима Федотова с Симфоническим оркестром Москвы "Русская Филармония" ( Художественный руководитель и Главный дирижер Народный артист России Максим Федотов)
Große russische Meister: Elena Mirtova Sopran Aleksey Igudesman Violine Sergej Roldugin Violoncello Arkadi Zenzipér Klavier Montag 16.9.2013 - Brucknerhaus
* Russian cellist says his fortune is used for Russian cultural projects * Alleged to have 2bn USD in offshore accounts * Panama Papers an "attempt to destabilise Russia" - Putin *What is happening?* A friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin, implicated in the Panama Papers outcry, has claimed in an interview that he invests all his money in music and young Russian cultural talent. Cellist Sergei Roldugin says he wants to advance cultural projects in Russia. It comes after his … READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2016/04/11/putin-s-friend-explains-funds-listed-in-the-panama-papers What are the top stories today? Click to watch: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSyY1udCyYqBeDOz400FlseNGNqReKkFd euronews: the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe! http://www....
Автор -- Елена Мильчановска, для Sobesednik.ru // By Jelena Milczanowska for Sobesednik.ru
Beethoven Violin Romance in F Major №2 op.50. Maxim Fedotov - violin, Sergey Roldugin - conductor. Moscow Conservatory. Great Hall. Moscow city symphony orchestra "Russian Philharmonia"( Art director and Principal conductor Maxim Fedotov). 2009. Бетховенский вечер Максима Федотова в Большом зале Московской Консерватории. 2009 г. Романс для скрипки с оркестром Фа Мажор соч. 50. Максим Федотов скрипка, Сергей Ролдугин дирижер. Симфонический оркестр Москвы "Русская Филармония"(Художественный руководитель и Главный дирижер Народный артист России Максим Федотов)
Sergei Roldugin may be the world's richest cellist, or simply a front for his "brother" Vladimir Putin. Roldugin, a People's Artist of Russia and the artistic director of the House of Music in St. Petersburg, is well known in the Russian music community. But he is perhaps better known as being a very close friend of the Russian president. The two are so close, in fact, that they refer to one another as "brothers." And reports say he is worth some $350 million. But Roldugin insists he is so far from all this. Even my cello is second-hand. I''m not a businessman, I don't have millions." A recent report published in the Panama Papers says, No. Apparently he has billions. http://feeds.mashable.com/~r/Mashable/~3/miGiqGFlC0w/ http://www.wochit.com This video was produced by YT Wochit News usin...
A leak of confidential documents revealing shady financial dealings by the rich and powerful, including close associates of the Chinese, Syrian and Russian presidents, celebrities like Barcelona's star footballer Lionel Messi, Russian cellist Sergei Roldugin and many others, has sparked a global outcry. The scandal has prompted many countries to launch investigations into possible offshore money laundering by their own politicians, celebrities and companies. Zlatica Hoke has more. Originally published at - http://www.voanews.com/media/video/3269675.html
Syria: Russian conductor Valery Gergiev and the Mariinsky orchestra play a concert in the ruins of Palmyra on May 5. The footage also shows the cellist Sergei Roldugin performing at the archaeological site and the applause from Russian sappers who have demined the area. Middle East news. Video 1:04 Siria: el director de orquesta ruso Valery Gergiev y la orquesta Mariinsky jugar un concierto en las ruinas de Palmira. El video también muestra el chelista Sergei Roldugin realizar en el sitio arqueológico y aplausos de zapadores rusos que han desminadas la zona. La noticia de Oriente Medio. Syrie: le chef d'orchestre russe Valery Gergiev et l'Orchestre Mariinsky jouent un concert dans les ruines de Palmyre. La vidéo montre également le violoncelliste Sergei Roldugin effectuer sur le site arc...
Trailer for the digital release "The Cello Side - Sergei Roldugin" - With Works from Tchaikovsky and Vivaldi https://cumarket.net/album/441512 https://itunes.apple.com/de/album/the-cello-side/id1103680658?at=1l3vri7 https://open.spotify.com/album/6U7jRxZrrzRL2JFcZz6FX3
Der russische Musiker Sergei Roldugin hat sich erstmals zum Verdacht geäußert, entweder fabelhaft reich zu sein oder für das Umfeld des russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin geheime Offshore-Konten zu verwalten. Das Geld stamme aus Spenden und diene dem Import teurer Instrumente, so Roldugin. Der Name des Cellisten taucht in den "sogenannten Panama-Papers":http://de.euronews.com/2016/04/04/panama-papers-sind-keine-ueberraschung/ auf, im Zusammenhang mit Offshorefirmen und Geldflüssen im Umfang … LESEN SIE MEHR: http://de.euronews.com/2016/04/11/panama-geldstroeme-russischer-cellist-und-putin-freund-spricht-von-spenden-fuer euronews: der meistgesehene Nachrichtensender in Europa. Abonnieren Sie! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=euronewsde euronews gibt es in 13 Sprache...
Putin said on Thursday (April 7) that a friend of his named in the "Panama Papers" leaks had done nothing wrong and spent the money he earned from business on buying expensive musical instruments which he was donating to public institutions. Speaking for the first time since the revelations, which came with the leak of millions of confidential documents from the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, Putin casually dismissed them, denying "any element of corruption." Then he repeated a line pushed by Russian state media, as well as Wikileaks, that the papers are merely a U.S.-orchestrated disinformation campaign waged against Russia to weaken its government and force regime change. Speaking to supporters in St Petersburg, Putin said the leaks were part of an orchestrated attempt to destab...
BBC's Panorama investigates Sergei Roldugin's involvement in the Mossack Fonseca leak.
Vladimir Putin y Sergey Roldugin forjaron un vínculo estrecho durante su juventud. Amigos cercanos, casi hermanos, caminaban por las calles de Leningrado cantando y, en el caso de Putin, ocasionalmente involucrándose en pleitos a puñetazos. Cuando Putin ascendió al poder como líder supremo de Rusia y Roldugin se hizo de renombre como chelista clásico y director de orquesta, ambos siguieron manteniendo esta cercanía. Roldugin ha tocado para Putin y sus huéspedes de alto perfil en la residencia presidencial y ha dado a los medios entrevistas que suavizan la atemorizante imagen del presidente. Lee el reportaje completo aquí:
Бетховен Концерт для фортепиано,скрипки и виолончели с оркестром до мажор соч.56 1,2,3 части. Галина Петрова (фортепиано) Максим Федотов (скрипка) Денис Шаповалов (виолончель). Симфонический оркестр Москвы "Русская Филармония"(Художественный руководитель и главный дирижер Народный артист России Максим Федотов) Дирижер-Народный артист России,профессор Сергей Ролдугин (Бетховенский вечер Максима Федотова в Большом зале Московской консерватории) 2009 г. BEETHOVEN Triple Concerto op.56 in C Major (Full). 2009. Moscow Conservatory. Great Hall. Galina PETROVA piano Maxim FEDOTOV violin Denis SHapovaliv cello. Conductor Sergey ROLDUGIN Moscow city symphony orchestra "Russian Philharmonia" (Art director and Principal conductor Maxim Fedotov)
Запись с концерта 29.04.2015 в Английском зале Санкт-Петербургского Дома Музыки. А.Орловецкий - Соната для виолончели и фортепиано №2, "Неоконченная" Исполнители: Народный артист России Сергей Ролдугин (виолончель) Алексей Орловецкий (фортепиано)
Pavel Milyukov - Brahms violin concerto Conductor Sergey Roldugin
Miroslav Kultyshev - Tchaikovsky 1st piano concerto Conductor Sergey Roldugin
Brahms Trio B-Dur ( Streichsextett №1 op.18) Part 1,2,3 beginning.Bearbeitung von Theodor Kirchner vur Klaviertrio David Geringas violoncello, Galina Petrova klavier, Maxim Fedotov violin. Concert Hall of S.Petersburg House of Music (Art Director Sergei Roldugin) Брамс Струнный Секстет №1 B-Dur ( Версия для Фортепианного Трио Теодора Киршнера) Части 1.2.3(начало) Давид Герингас виолончель, Галина Петрова фортепиано, Максим Федотов скрипка. Концертный зал С.Петербургского Дома Музыки(Художественный руководитель Сергей Ролдугин)
This is the Fourth Movement from "The Pearl of Dubai" Suite by Grant Foster. Mira Yevtich - Piano, Sergey Rodulgin - Cello, Belorussia Symphony Orchestra, Zaurbek Gugkaev - Conductor.
Moscow International House of Music 26.09.2009 Rachmaninoff Symphony № 3 in A minor op. 44 \ Рахманинов Симфония №3 Maxim Fedotov conductor \ Максим Федотов дирижер 1. Allegro Moderato from 00:00 2. Adajio ma non troppo - Allegro vivace -Tempo come prima from 12:40 3. Allegro -Allegro vivace + Ancor - Final once more from 23:50 www.fedotov-petrova.com