Donor Stories

Planned Giving

Welcome! We are pleased that you have interest in learning about the many benefits of gift plans. If you have any questions about the best way for you to benefit through a planned gift, please call. A member of our Planned Giving Team will be very pleased to help you.
Donor Stories Learn how others have made an impact through their acts of giving to our organization and others. Explore the many benefits of charitable gift planning.
New Identity Theft Attacks
Washington News
In IR-2016-119 the IRS reports new attacks on professional tax preparers....
Separate & Joint Property
Personal Planner
"My brother Pete and I own a ranch together," said Joe to his advisor. "We...
Learn About Wills There are a variety of ways to plan for your family and loved ones with a will or living trust. View the presentations to learn more about wills and estate planning.
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