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Smithsonian Podcasts

Smithsonian podcasts on iTunes
Smithsonian on iTunes

Smithsonian Podcasts »

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Music from Smithsonian Folkways Recordings »

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All Smithsonian Podcasts
Archives of American Art Podcasts »
Drawn from audio in the Archives' collections, these podcasts give voice to the human stories behind our nation's most significant art and artists
Behind the Scenes of NMNH »
Go behind the scenes with Natural History Museum scienitists and learn about their research and the museum's collections
Chandra X-Ray Observatory
Chandra X-Ray Observatory Podcasts and VODcasts »
Transmissions from a scientific mission to observe X-rays from high-energy regions of the universe
Face-to-Face Podcasts
Face-to-Face Podcasts »
Face-to-Face is a podcast series from the National Portrait Gallery, featuring portrait talks, interviews with artists, and lectures from the museum
Freer and Sackler Galleries podcasts
Freer and Sackler Galleries Podcasts »
Concerts, lectures and story telling from the Smithsonian's museums of Asian art
Hirshhorn Podcasts
Hirshhorn Podcasts »
Artist interviews, lectures and curatorial tours of the collections of the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden
American Hisory Podcast
History Explorer: Meet Our Museum Podcast »
Features NMAH staff members discussing their work and projects here at the museum. Accompanying this series are teacher guides, work sheets and images for classroom use
Smithsonian Channel podcast
Smithsonian Channel »
With original series, documentaries, and award-winning shows, no one brings you America's stories like Smithsonian Channel
NMNH iTunes U
Natural History Museum iTunes U »
Access to over 200 scientific lectures, educational audio and video podcasts, audio tours and PDFs—all available free
Once Species at a Time
One Species at a Time »
Podcast from the Encyclopedia of Life—Lend an ear and discover the wonders of nature—right outside your back door and halfway around the world
Radio Broadcast, painting by Julia Eckel (detail)
Smithsonian American Art Museum Podcasts »
Podcasts highlighting art and the American experience at the Smithsonian American Art Museum
The Folkways Collection
The Folkways Collection »
This series of 24 one-hour programs explores the remarkable collection of music, spoken word, and sound recordings that make up Folkways Recordings
Smithsonian Folkways Sounds to Grow On
Smithsonian Folkways Sounds to Grow On »
A series featuring the original recordings of the Folkways Collection, a cornerstone of Smithsonian Folkways Records' vast catalogue
Smithsonian Folkways Tapestry of the Times
Smithsonian Folkways Tapestry of the Times »
Join Aaron Henkin on an ear-opening voyage back in time and around the globe on hour-long tours through Folkway's wide-ranging sound archives
Go to Sound Sessions podcast
Sound Sessions »
An audio journey into the rich, eclectic, and sometimes eccentric Smithsonian Folkways archive