Travel tips: NSW Art Gallery director Michael Brand on getting stabbed in Russia

Michael Brand loves visiting mosques, cathedrals and temples, especially if there is music or voice.
Michael Brand loves visiting mosques, cathedrals and temples, especially if there is music or voice. Supplied

After an attempted robbery in St Petersburg, NSW Art Gallery director Michael Brand was happy to find his camera had survived hitting the ground – and shocked to realise he'd been stabbed. He answers our Traveller Q&A.;

First, business or economy? 

A mixture, depending on whether I'm flying for work or holidays; domestically or overseas. Premium economy can be good too.

Most frequented destination? 

Currently, it's Tokyo for workshops with SANAA architects Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa, who are designing the gallery's Sydney Modern Project.

Favourite airport? 

Surprisingly, I think it's LAX in Los Angeles. It's huge and a bit chaotic but it works and the new Tom Bradley International Terminal is first rate. I guess I'm always happy to arrive there, rent a car and drive off.

If I ran my own airline I would? 

Provide more leg room in economy and for longer flights in business.  Leg room makes all the difference.

Where would you go with a million air miles? 

I'd probably want to drive somewhere at that stage, but if I had to board a plane again Ethiopia would be high on my list. I love its food and music and I'd like to check out the architecture there. I'd use any leftover miles for a trip to Iceland. 

The worst place you've been lost? 

Attempting to take a shortcut through Virginia's Shenandoah Mountains in a VW Beetle emblazoned with a very bold advertising wrap promoting an exhibition named after Gauguin's painting Bonjour Monsieur Courbet.  The country folk I sped past must surely have found the sight very odd.

Best trip ever? 

A three-day trip from Los Angeles to Tokyo over a Thanksgiving break with our two daughters and, more selfishly, Aspen last year. Skiing for the first time since I was a teenager ranks right up there.

Most memorable overseas dining? 

Any breakfast in Malaysia featuring roti canai, chicken curry and black coffee.

In the suitcase? 

An almost obsessively pared down selection of items from a suit to gym shoes (and, even then, usually a couple of things I don't use).

The first thing you do in a new city? 

Get outside and suss out the neighbourhood around my hotel.

How do you make the most of a spare afternoon in a strange city? 

You can't beat walking the streets. Art museums are a given for me but visiting a mosque, cathedral or temple can be both thought-provoking and inspiring (especially if there's a ceremony featuring music or voice).

Cure for jetlag? 

I try to find daylight flights and stay up as late as possible on the day of arrival. Fresh air and sunlight help too.

Other travel tips? 

Always try to find places where you can mix with locals and hear them speak, even if you can't understand their language.

What technology do you use? 

An iPhone and an iPad (more often now than my MacBook Air unless I'm trying to prepare a complex text or presentation) and my tough little Leica.

Best overseas purchase? 

A modestly carved wooden sculpture from Congo of a rugby player in a glass-fronted box I bought in a market in Cape Town. Personally, I prefer AFL but there's something very poignant about both its journey and its quiet, secular optimism.

Best travel tale? 

It's really hard to pick a best one, but the strangest one by far was an attempted robbery on a street in St Petersburg.  Back in my hotel afterwards, I was so pleased to see my camera had survived hitting the footpath. But when I took off my jacket, I was shocked to discover a sizeable bloodstain on my shirt – I'd been stabbed with something. 

Best thing about travelling? 

Getting out of your comfort zone and seeing the world through different eyes.

Top travel gripe? 

Trying to leave work behind when on holiday.  I'm sure I'm not alone!

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