[FR] Bouh! Un film sur le squat des 400 Couverts

 2000s, 2010s, France  Comments Off on [FR] Bouh! Un film sur le squat des 400 Couverts
May 152013


Télécharger – http://bouh.poivron.org/

À Grenoble, de 2001 à 2005, une traverse entière a été squattée : plusieurs maisons d’habitation, une salle publique, des ateliers et plein de folies, d’humour, de galères, de collectifs, de colères, d’expérimentations…

Ce film, manigancé par 4 anciennes habitantes du squat est basé sur des recherches archéologiques approfondies, des traces éparses recueillies au fond de divers placards, de tiroirs mal refermés et de poches percées…

Nos histoires, nos luttes, sont précieuses, invisibles et trop souvent étouffées.


97 minutes — VF
Grenoble — janvier 2013

[FR] Paths through utopias [EN subs] 112 minutes 548mb mp4

 2000s, 2010s, Deutsch, English, Español, France, Serbia  Comments Off on [FR] Paths through utopias [EN subs] 112 minutes 548mb mp4
Apr 072013

Paths through utopias

Date: 2009, Country: Europe, Language: FR, ENsubs, Length:112mins, Size:548mb Type: mp4 Film by Isabelle Fremeaux, John Jordan and Kypros Kyprianou Music by Isa Suarez.

A book-film project by Isabelle Fremeaux and John Jordan.
Blurring the fluid boundaries between present and future, documentary and fiction, Paths Through Utopias is a feature length utopian road movie exploring a post-capitalist Europe. Shot during a 7 month journey in 2008 visiting ten utopian experiments, the film is half of the book-film project published in France by Editions Zones. From the direct action Climate Camp set up illegally besides Heathrow airport to a hamlet squatted by French art punks, occupied self-managed Serbian factories to a free love commune in an ex Stasi base, this magicorealist travelogue transports us to a parallel universe where money is worthless and private property has been abolished.

[NL] De Hokjesman Afl 5 De Autonomen 351mb 44mins

 2010s, Nederlands  Comments Off on [NL] De Hokjesman Afl 5 De Autonomen 351mb 44mins
Apr 072013











De Hokjesman – De Autonomen

Date: 2013, Country: NL, Language: NL, Length:39mins, Size: 351mb Type: mp4 Film-maker: Afl 5

Afl. 5: De Autonomen. Waarin Michael Schaap, alias De Hokjesman, op zoek gaat naar de wereldverbeteraars, de dromers, de linkse activisten, de subversieve autonomen, die niet lijdzaam toekijken, maar die de wereld willen veranderen.

Leegstand zonder zorgen [NL] / Carefree Vacant Living [ENG]

 2010s, Nederlands, Subtitled (English)  Comments Off on Leegstand zonder zorgen [NL] / Carefree Vacant Living [ENG]
Jan 262011

Leegstand zonder zorgen / Carefree Vacant Living (mp4)

Date: 21 january 2011, Country: The Netherlands, City:?, Title: Leegstand zonder zorgen, Language: Dutch [ENG subtitles], Length: 0.54 hour, Size: 336mb Maker: Abel Hejkamp

Website: http://leegstandzonderzorgen.nl

Leegstand zonder zorgen is een reportage waarin 7 bewoners van de 2 grootste antikraakbureaus Camelot en Ad Hoc worden gevolgd

This is a a film about antisquat, tracking seven people using Camelot and Ad Hoc. You can also watch it with English subtitles

[RU] Squatting – A Film [EN subs] 1gb 85mins

 2010s, Nederlands, Russia, Subtitled (English), русский  Comments Off on [RU] Squatting – A Film [EN subs] 1gb 85mins
Apr 092009


squatting-a_film-larisa_matteissen-2009.avi [EN subs]

Squatting. A film by Larisa Matteissen Release date 3rd of February 2009 1 hour 25 minutes Movie follows anarchists and activists, who occupy different empty buildings and territories – from rooms, houses and industrial buildings to complete villages and ports. Dutch and Russian activists are telling about their experiences of squatting and reactions of authorities to self-organisation. Anti-squatters explain why they are in side of the state.

Contact: kalevala_com AT mail DOT ru


[EN] Villa Road – Property is Theft

 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, English, London  Comments Off on [EN] Villa Road – Property is Theft
Jan 082007

Villa Road

The story of Villa Road, a squatted street, during the heyday of squatting in the late 1970s, when all over the country people lived together in politicised communities. These squatters were on the left, and were part of a generation whose views were underwritten by Marxist ideology. They believed that the revolution was coming and the state would be overthrown.

Villa Road in south London brought together an extraordinary community of over 200 people.

“The idea was that there would be a revolution. One was always a little bit vague about exactly what form that might take in Britain, maybe a general strike or whatever. It sounds and it was wildly utopian.”
Mike Reid, Villa Roader

Anarchists mixed with hippies and feminists, and homeless single mothers rubbed shoulders with marxist revolutionaries. The core group in Villa Road were white middle-class graduates. These politicised intellectuals with allegiances to various left-wing groups led the Villa Roaders in all their anti-capitalist campaigns.
Villa Roaders were against the nuclear family, which they felt denied the full potential of the individual. They were antagonistic to the police, who they viewed as an embodiment of the state. They identified politically with the working class, and supported striking workers. These were also the early days of feminism, and women on Villa Road struggled to free themselves from male domination by attending consciousness-raising groups and Marxist reading groups. As well as engaging in political activism, some on Villa Road were interested in transforming their unconscious minds through psychotherapy. This took an extreme form at number 12, which was a primal scream commune, run by the charismatic and wholly untrained Jenny James, who now runs a commune in Colombia and gives a rare interview in this film.

In the hot summer of 1976, the Villa Roaders barricaded the street to fend off eviction and demolition. They won a partial victory: half of the street was saved and still stands today. The communist revolution, however, failed to materialise.

The film also documents London’s most long-standing squatted community, St Agnes Place, a street close to Villa Road. They fought eviction and demolition for over 30 years, and were finally evicted by the council only recently, in December 2005.

[DK] 500 Stenkastende Autonome Voldpsykopater fra Helvede

 2000s, Denmark  Comments Off on [DK] 500 Stenkastende Autonome Voldpsykopater fra Helvede
Jan 012007

[DK] 500 Stenkastende Autonome Voldpsykopater fra Helvede

“For Sale! Including 500 violent stone throwers from Hell”, was the message from the controversial squat ‘Ungdomshuset’ in Copenhagen. The film takes a balanced look behind the barricades and follows the definitive last year in the life of the squatters before all was demolished in March 2007.

English subtitles

BNN – De laatste legale kraak 1.05hr 303mb mp4 [NL]

 2010s, Amsterdam, Nederlands  Comments Off on BNN – De laatste legale kraak 1.05hr 303mb mp4 [NL]
Oct 302006

Bnn, de laatste legale kraak(mp4)

Date: 30 oct 2006, Country: The Netherlands, City: Amsterdam, Language: NL, Length: 1.05 hour, Size: 303mb

Presentator Steyn de Leeuwe wil er achter komen wat de wetswijziging betekent voor de beweging en het persoonlijke leven van krakers. In de film Het zijn jullie wetten, niet de onze! duikt Steyn een week onder in de Amsterdamse kraakscene en neemt deel aan de laatste legale kraak van Nederland.

[NL] De stad was van ons [EN subs] 70mins 708 mb avi

 1980s, 1990s, Nederlands, Subtitled (English)  Comments Off on [NL] De stad was van ons [EN subs] 70mins 708 mb avi
Apr 071996











De stad was van ons (The city was ours – EN subs)

Date: 1996, Country: NL, Language: NL Length: 70mins, Size: 708mb Type: avi Film-maker: Joost Seelen

‘De stad was van ons’ ontrafelt de geschiedenis van de Amsterdamse kraakbeweging (1975 – 1988) door middel van interviews met krakers van het eerste uur, voor wie de politieke strijd belangrijker was dan het creëren van woonruimte. Daartegenover staan de krakers voor wie de politieke ideologie pas op de tweede plaats kwam. Spanningen tussen de ‘harde kern’ en de latere krakers leidden tot een spiraal van geweld en intimidatie.

Midden jaren negentig lijkt het hoogtepunt van de kraakbeweging voorbij. Ruim vijftien jaar na de Vondelvrijstaat en de kroningsrellen (‘Geen woning, geen kroning’) vindt filmmaker Joost Seelen die tijdens zijn studietijd in Nijmegen geïnteresseerd is geraakt in de theorie en praktijk van sociale bewegingen, dat het tijd is om zich aan een terugblik te wagen. Het is een relaas dat zich niet laat vangen in het beeld van de onschuldige Vondelvrijstaat waaraan door tankcolonnes een einde wordt gemaakt. De afzonderlijke verhalen voegt Seelen samen tot een kroniek van intriges en machtsstrijd in de periode tussen 1975 en 1988, die niet onderdoet voor de koningsdrama’s van Shakespeare.

Classic Dutch squat-docu about the rise and fall of the movement in the 1980s

[EN] The Beat of Frances Street: Squatting in East Vancouver 48mins 750mb AVI

 1990s, Canada  Comments Off on [EN] The Beat of Frances Street: Squatting in East Vancouver 48mins 750mb AVI
Dec 251990

[EN] The Beat of Frances Street: Squatting in East Vancouver

Date: 1990, Country: Canada, City:Vancouver, Language: EN, Length: 48mins, Size: 750mb Type: AvI

The Frances Street squats were a set of six squatted houses, including one women-only squat, that existed between February and November 27, 1990 in Vancouver on Coast Salish Territory in one of the most successful public squats in Canada.

An early press release by the squatters stated: “We are some of the many squatters in Vancouver who are occupying several of the hundreds of habitable houses left vacant by developers. These houses have been slated for demolition and gentrification. In the face of unregulated rent increases, and out of necessity, we have chosen to squat as one of many viable means of protesting this atrocity. Housing is not a luxury, it is a right, and these houses are available now. New developments must be kept within an affordable price range for all people presently affected by the housing crisis. We are currently organizing various neighbourhood inclusive community events (potluck barbecues, daycare facilities, community gardening and recycling) in an effort to open up communication between squatters and paying tenants. We intend to defend these houses. We have been forced to go public at this time because we are in danger of losing our homes.”

A 48-minute documentary, The Beat of Frances Street: Squatting in East Vancouver, was produced during the late and final stages of the squats. The first half of the film contains footage of everyday life in the houses and presents responses to the question “why do you squat?” by fourteen residents. The second half of the film focuses on internal arguments over the use of barricades against imminent police assault and documentation of the assault itself (including commercial news footage) and community response.

[DE] Rauchhaus – Allein machen sie dich ein

 1970s, Berlin, Deutsch  Comments Off on [DE] Rauchhaus – Allein machen sie dich ein
Apr 091973


Allein machen sie dich ein Dok.Film vom Rauch-Haus-Kollektiv

BRD 1973/74, 16 mm, s/w, 73 Min.

Westberlin, Dezember 1971: Mehrere hundert Lehrlinge, Schüler, junge Arbeiter und Jugendliche, die aus Heimen abgehauen waren, besetzten einen Teil des leerstehenden Bethanien-Krankenhauses in Kreuzberg. Sie wollen ihre beschissene Wohn- und Freizeitsituation selbst ändern. Was seitdem im “Georg von Rauch-Haus” geschehen ist, das zeigt der Film, der von einem Filmkollektiv zusammen mit den
Jugendlichen gemacht worden ist. Der Film beginnt mit der Geschichte der Besetzung und dem Kampf um den Erhalt des Hauses – Demonstrationen, Verhandlungen, Teach-Ins, Zeitungsherstellung. Er zeigt die Schwierigkeiten mit der Selbstorganisation und die Notwendigkeit, die gewonnenen Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse auch außerhalb des Hauses anzuwenden.