[EN] Lambeth resident facing eviction by Council

 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, English, London, Uk  Comments Off on [EN] Lambeth resident facing eviction by Council
Apr 072014

Maritza Tschepp

[EN] Maracana Squatters Clash With Riot Police 1min, mp4, 5mb

 2010s, Brasil  Comments Off on [EN] Maracana Squatters Clash With Riot Police 1min, mp4, 5mb
Apr 092013









Maracana Squatters Clash With Riot Police

Date: 2013, Country: Brasil, City: Rio de Janeiro Language: EN Size: 5mb Length: 1min Type: mp4

Police have surrounded Rio de Janeiro’s Indian Museum complex, next to the legendary Maracana Stadium, and have released tear gas in a bid to expel a group of indigenous people and their supporters on Friday (March 22nd) – riot police clashed with supporters of the group, some of whom have been squatting in the crumbling complex for years.

[GR] Βίντεο από την εισβολή στη Βίλλα Αμαλίας flv 3mins 15mb

 2010s, Greece  Comments Off on [GR] Βίντεο από την εισβολή στη Βίλλα Αμαλίας flv 3mins 15mb
Jan 092013


Βίντεο από την εισβολή στη Βίλλα Αμαλίας

Date: 2013, Country: Greece, City:Athens, Language: GR, Length: 3mins, Size: 15mb Type: flv

Τραβήχτηκε μέσα από την Βίλλα την ώρα της ανακατάληψης (9-1-2013)

[EN] Video from inside Villa Amalias during its attempted re-occupation

[GR] Βίντεο από το “ντου” στην κατάληψη” ΔΕΛΤΑ δίνει στη δημοσιότητα η ΕΛ.ΑΣ.! – Cops evicting Delta squat, Thessaloniki 3mins mp4 10mb

 2010s, Greece  Comments Off on [GR] Βίντεο από το “ντου” στην κατάληψη” ΔΕΛΤΑ δίνει στη δημοσιότητα η ΕΛ.ΑΣ.! – Cops evicting Delta squat, Thessaloniki 3mins mp4 10mb
Sep 132012

Delta squat evicted

Βίντεο από την επιχείρηση της αστυνομίας στην κατάληψη ΔΕΛΤΑ στη Θεσσαλονίκη έδωσε στη δημοσιότητα το αρχηγείο της ΕΛ.ΑΣ.

At approximately 7.30am on Wednesday, September 12th, in Thessaloniki, at least five MAT anti-riot police squadrons and two jeeps with EKAM special suppressive antiterrorist units lined up outside the anarchist squat Delta and stormed the building soon thereafter.

Ten people were arrested inside the building and others who arrived in solidarity were detained on the street. Also, more solidaritarians who gathered near the squat were surrounded and cut off by the police.


Kukutza: Crónica de 3 días de ocupación de un barrio [EUS/ESP] mpeg 7mins 30mb

 2010s, Euskal Herria  Comments Off on Kukutza: Crónica de 3 días de ocupación de un barrio [EUS/ESP] mpeg 7mins 30mb
Sep 232011

Kukutza: Crónica de 3 días de ocupación de un barrio

Date: 2011, Country: Euskal Herria, City: Bilbao, Language: EUS/ESP, Length: 7mins, Size: 30mb Type: mpeg
Website: http://www.youtube.com/user/kukutzaIIIgaztetxea

Kukutza: Crónica de 3 días de ocupación de un barrio
Kukutza: auzoaren 3 eguneko okupazioaren kronika

[EN] ACPO Conference – Squatters UK 9mins 40mb mp4

 2010s, Brighton, English, London, Southend, Uncategorized  Comments Off on [EN] ACPO Conference – Squatters UK 9mins 40mb mp4
Sep 202011

ACPO Conference – Squatters UK

Date: 2011, Country: UK, City:Brighton/London/Southend, Language: Eng, Length: 9.5mins, Size: 40mb Type: mp4 Film-maker: Shergroup

Shergroup wankers talk about a few evictions in the UK (Raven’s Ait island, the church in Brighton, Camp Bling in Southend-on-Sea). This film was apparently shown at the 2011 ACPO conference (ACPO = Association of Chief Police Officers). See you next time suckers!!

Mare Street Squatters, London [ENG] 2mins 10mb mp4

 2010s, English, London  Comments Off on Mare Street Squatters, London [ENG] 2mins 10mb mp4
Aug 242010

Bailiffs Attempt to Evict Mare Street Squatters

Date: 2010, Country: UK, City: London, Language: ENG, Length: 2 mins, Size: 10mb Type:

Squatters and their supporters were determined to stop the eviction of an occupied social centre in Hackney, East London. They constructed barricades and declared that they would peacefully resist any attempt to remove them. On the morning of the 17th August High Court bailiffs tried unsuccessfully to remove the squatters.
17-08-10, Hackney, London, UK (the place was later evicted).

[EN] Spike Surplus Scheme Resist 10mins 47mb mp4

 2000s, English, London, Uk, Uncategorized  Comments Off on [EN] Spike Surplus Scheme Resist 10mins 47mb mp4
Sep 202009

Spike Surplus Scheme Resist

Date: 2009, Country: UK, City:London, Language: Eng, Length: 10mins, Size: 47mb Type: mp4

Spike Surplus is a community centre who has helped many artists, musicians and free thinkers to attain their goals. Now after ten years providing beneficial services to the community, Southwark Council are evicting the Scheme and selling of the land. This is a massive injustice! Please help the Spike!

UPDATE the place was evicted :{

[EN] The Beat of Frances Street: Squatting in East Vancouver 48mins 750mb AVI

 1990s, Canada  Comments Off on [EN] The Beat of Frances Street: Squatting in East Vancouver 48mins 750mb AVI
Dec 251990

[EN] The Beat of Frances Street: Squatting in East Vancouver

Date: 1990, Country: Canada, City:Vancouver, Language: EN, Length: 48mins, Size: 750mb Type: AvI

The Frances Street squats were a set of six squatted houses, including one women-only squat, that existed between February and November 27, 1990 in Vancouver on Coast Salish Territory in one of the most successful public squats in Canada.

An early press release by the squatters stated: “We are some of the many squatters in Vancouver who are occupying several of the hundreds of habitable houses left vacant by developers. These houses have been slated for demolition and gentrification. In the face of unregulated rent increases, and out of necessity, we have chosen to squat as one of many viable means of protesting this atrocity. Housing is not a luxury, it is a right, and these houses are available now. New developments must be kept within an affordable price range for all people presently affected by the housing crisis. We are currently organizing various neighbourhood inclusive community events (potluck barbecues, daycare facilities, community gardening and recycling) in an effort to open up communication between squatters and paying tenants. We intend to defend these houses. We have been forced to go public at this time because we are in danger of losing our homes.”

A 48-minute documentary, The Beat of Frances Street: Squatting in East Vancouver, was produced during the late and final stages of the squats. The first half of the film contains footage of everyday life in the houses and presents responses to the question “why do you squat?” by fourteen residents. The second half of the film focuses on internal arguments over the use of barricades against imminent police assault and documentation of the assault itself (including commercial news footage) and community response.