Donkey squat, Bruges not a love story flv 7min 43mb English

 2010s, Belgium, English  Comments Off on Donkey squat, Bruges not a love story flv 7min 43mb English
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Donkey squat, Bruges not a love story flv Date: 2008, Country: Belgium, City: Bruges, Title: Donkey squat, Bruges not a love story, Language: English, length: 7mins, size: 43mb
BELGIUM – “/People from all over europe have been visiting donkey squat, but next week shall be a sad one. The donkey squatters have to make an appearance in the court room and are likely to be expelled from the house (and convent). It’s mainly the city of Bruges who wants the youngsters out of there, because they don’t fit into the mayor’s fairytale idea of Bruges and it’s touriDate: 2008, Country: Belgium, City: Bruges, Title: Donkey squat, Language: Flemish/English, length: 7mins, size: 43mbsts.” Actually some of the residents now live in the front of the building. More info –