[ES] Montevideo (Uruguay): ¡No al Desalojo de La Solidaria!

 2010s, Español, Uruguay  Comments Off on [ES] Montevideo (Uruguay): ¡No al Desalojo de La Solidaria!
Feb 172016

7min. – 57Mo – MP4 – Febrero 2016

La Solidaria es un centro social autónomo que funciona desde el año 2012, cuando el local fue ocupado para construir un espacio que sirviera como una herramienta más para la práctica de nuestra propia autonomía y el desarrollo de la lucha social. Continue reading »

[ES] Resistència a l’interior de Can Vies

 2010s, Español  Comments Off on [ES] Resistència a l’interior de Can Vies
May 262014

Un miler de persones es concentra en aquests moments al voltant de la plaça de Sants de Barcelona en defensa del centre social Can Vies. El desallotjament ha començat a les 13:20h del migdia però no ha agafat per sorpresa les activistes, que s’han pogut ubicar als nombrosos punts de resistència distribuïts per tot l’edifici.

Notícia completa: http://directa.cat/noticia/nombrosos-activistes-resisteixen-lassalt-policial-linterior-del-centre-social-can-vies

Brasil: Living in the city that hosts the World Cup 8mins 59mb flv

 2010s, Brasil, Español, Subtitled (English)  Comments Off on Brasil: Living in the city that hosts the World Cup 8mins 59mb flv
Mar 122012

Living in the city that hosts the World Cup

The story of indigenous Brazilian Indians living next door to one of the world’s largest football stadiums…

‘We heard the builders say it: “This isn’t a village, go and live in the rainforest”‘, says Carlos Tukano, chief of the Aldeia Maracanã village.

This video is part of the Amnesty International www.SlumStories.org project. An online videochannel about the life in slums in different parts of the world.

All videos can be watched with English, Arab, French, Spanish, German and Dutch subtitles.

[EN] Tactical Tourist 15mins mp4 75mb

 Español, Español, Uncategorized  Comments Off on [EN] Tactical Tourist 15mins mp4 75mb
May 152008




Tactical Tourist

Date: 2008, Country: ES, Language: EN Length: 15mins, Size: 75mb Type: avi Film-maker: Dara Greenwald

Fun times in squatted former fascist police barracks, sex toys from discarded computer mouses, sewing in public spaces, rurban gardens: a diy portrait of the squatting movement in Barcelona.