[EN] The Art of Squatting 21mins 116mb mp4

 2010s, English, London  Comments Off on [EN] The Art of Squatting 21mins 116mb mp4
Dec 242012


The Art of Squatting – plus part2

Date: 2012, Country: UK, City:London Language: ENG Length: 21mins, Size: 8mb Type: FLV

This documentary takes a contemporary look at squatting in England. Mostly filmed in South London, it is set against the backdrop of the approaching olympics and the new law (passed today) which makes the practice of living in unused properties illegal. It explores the kinds of people who live in squats and why, and addresses how these places contribute to society. The film takes the view that squatting in itself is an artform.

Part 1 explores an underground punk gig at a squat, and we meet some of the people who help the night happen. We also learn a bit about squatting in the 1970s.

In Part 2 we talk to a band big on the southern squat scene. We visit the oldest squat in England and see how they open their arms to the public. We are introduced to a campaign group opposed to the law criminalising squatting, and we hear from the council and a housing association. We also visit an art exhibition with work from people who have been living homeless.

[NL] NOS – Een positieve kijk op het aflopen van de Maya-kalender 3mins mp4 13mb

 2010s, Nederlands  Comments Off on [NL] NOS – Een positieve kijk op het aflopen van de Maya-kalender 3mins mp4 13mb
Dec 212012


Een positieve kijk op het aflopen van de Maya-kalender

Date: 2012, Country: Nederlands, City:buurt van Groningen, Language: NL, Length: 3mins, Size: 13mb Type: mp4

Morgen is de dag dat de Maya-kalender eindigt en de wereld dus vergaat. Volgens sommigen. Want er zijn ook Maya-aanhangers die niet zo somber zijn en juist kansen zien om van de aarde een paradijs te maken.