[ES] Dijon (Francia): détournement en solidaridad con las Lentillères, “Ni héroes ni mártires”

 2010s, Español, France  Comments Off on [ES] Dijon (Francia): détournement en solidaridad con las Lentillères, “Ni héroes ni mártires”
Dec 282015

7min. – 62Mo – MP4 – Septiembre 2015 [Download | Version originale en français | English version]

Más información sobre las luchas de las Lentillères (en francés).

[FR] Paths through utopias [EN subs] 112 minutes 548mb mp4

 2000s, 2010s, Deutsch, English, Español, France, Serbia  Comments Off on [FR] Paths through utopias [EN subs] 112 minutes 548mb mp4
Apr 072013

Paths through utopias

Date: 2009, Country: Europe, Language: FR, ENsubs, Length:112mins, Size:548mb Type: mp4 Film by Isabelle Fremeaux, John Jordan and Kypros Kyprianou Music by Isa Suarez.

A book-film project by Isabelle Fremeaux and John Jordan.
Blurring the fluid boundaries between present and future, documentary and fiction, Paths Through Utopias is a feature length utopian road movie exploring a post-capitalist Europe. Shot during a 7 month journey in 2008 visiting ten utopian experiments, the film is half of the book-film project published in France by Editions Zones. From the direct action Climate Camp set up illegally besides Heathrow airport to a hamlet squatted by French art punks, occupied self-managed Serbian factories to a free love commune in an ex Stasi base, this magicorealist travelogue transports us to a parallel universe where money is worthless and private property has been abolished.

El escarabajo verde 58mins 208mb mp4

 2010s, Español  Comments Off on El escarabajo verde 58mins 208mb mp4
Dec 262011

El escarabajo verde Una casa en las afueras

Date: 2011?, Country: Espana, City:?, Language: ESP, Length: 58mins, Size: 208mb Type: mp4

El movimiento okupa acostumbra a levantar reticencias en algunos sectores. No obstante, el equipo de El Escarabajo Verde ha podido comprobar que la coexistencia de la casa ocupada de Can Masdeu con los vecinos del barrio no podría ser más buena. Este lugar se vuelca en la comunidad e imagina alternativas al actual sistema económico y social en un momento en el que estamos necesitados de soluciones que funcionen a pequeña escala.
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[EN] Tactical Tourist 15mins mp4 75mb

 Español, Español, Uncategorized  Comments Off on [EN] Tactical Tourist 15mins mp4 75mb
May 152008




Tactical Tourist

Date: 2008, Country: ES, Language: EN Length: 15mins, Size: 75mb Type: avi Film-maker: Dara Greenwald

Fun times in squatted former fascist police barracks, sex toys from discarded computer mouses, sewing in public spaces, rurban gardens: a diy portrait of the squatting movement in Barcelona.