Derryn, it’s a simple matter of trust

Derryn, it’s a simple matter of trust

IT’S not “bunny boiler treatment” that has landed Derryn Hunch in troubled waters, it’s his own relationship with the bottle, writes Rita Panahi.

I support gay marriage and a plebiscite

I support gay marriage and a plebiscite

SUPPORTERS of gay marriage say there shouldn’t be a plebiscite because it will promote hate speech. But if you don’t have a plebiscite, the outcome will be worse, writes Justin Quill.

How the Bulldogs are lifting a community

How the Bulldogs are lifting a community

IF THE Western Bulldogs can go all the way it will be the most popular flag since … well, maybe ever. It also has the potential to provide a lift to people who need it, writes Ron Reed.

A generation of hearts and smarts

A generation of hearts  and smarts

GENERATION Y and Millennials cop a lot of flak for being lazy and narcissistic — with commentators again recently throwing out barbs to a generation of perceived whiners and slackers, writes Jan Owen.

Vote reveals the haters of the Left

Vote reveals the haters of the Left

MALCOLM Turnbull’s plan for a public vote on same-sex marriage has indeed unleashed the haters — but they’re the thugs of the Left, writes Andrew Bolt.

Messy reality of next generation

Messy reality of next generation

AUSTRALIA has raised a generation of entitled, do-nothing layabouts lacking both ambition and work ethic, writes Rita Panahi.

Today's Knight

Latest Mark Knight cartoons

The work of our award-winning cartoonist


Boldness is Dan’s friend

Boldness is Dan’s friend

DANIEL Andrews showed great vision with his plan, announced in opposition, to sell the Port of Melbourne lease and use the proceeds to remove level crossings.

Fear returns to New York

Fear returns to New York

FORMER prime minister John Howard was in the United States when terrorists caused the deaths of thousands of people ...


Poll: Abbott beats Turnbull

Bit by bit, the contrast favors Tony Abbott. Now a poll in a state seat confirms it: he is more popular than  Malcolm Turnbull there, at least. Read more