WA News

Hamburger + hotdog = hamdog: a WA invention taking on the world's tastebuds

You're waiting in line for a feed and the big question asks itself - hot dog or hamburger?

It used to be that your only choice when it came to these two fast food favourites was either or, but a WA entrepreneur has invented, patented and is now selling a way you can have your hot dog and eat a hamburger too.

A hot dog and a hamburger - together at last!
A hot dog and a hamburger - together at last! Photo: @Hamdog.com.au

Perth man Mark Murray calls his hybrid the hamdog: a Bunbury beef patty cut in half with a Hunsa frankfurt slotted into the middle.

The meaty combination is then slipped into a specially designed hand made bun that's round in the middle and sausage shaped at the ends.

This could soon be a thing in Perth and beyond...
This could soon be a thing in Perth and beyond... Photo: @Hamdog.com.au

Punters can then load it up with their favourite toppings like cheese, pickles, lettuce, tomato and three sauces - good old tomato sauce, mayonnaise and American mustard.

The Hamdog was first launched on the Shark Tank TV program in 2015 but was told it would never get up.


Now Mr Murray has launched the Hamdog into the WA market, planning to sell them to the masses at events like markets, shows and race days, priced at $8 each.

He's also seeking resale partners to take the Hamdog across Australia for around $10,000 a licence each - and maybe even the world.

And if the posts on Hamdog's Facebook page are anything to go by, there's plenty of confidence this new meal on the go will take off.

"Here we come World! The world's only Patent protected burger. Buy a franchise and then a Lamborghini with the CASH you will make," Hamdog wrote.

And while the jury's still out for us at WAtoday on what it tastes like, it's safe to say that we reckon we'd smash one. Maybe two...

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