WA News

Government approves wetland bulldozing based on environmental study of wrong lot

Approvals for a controversial development at an ecologically significant site in Bayswater were based on incomplete environmental assessments, documents have revealed.  

The community has been in uproar over the bulldozing of Carters Land after the WA Planning Commission approved the subdivision proposal without insisting on a buffer zone to protect the Eric Singleton Bird Sanctuary next door. 

Bulldozing had begun on Carters land before the community realised what was happening.
Bulldozing had begun on Carters land before the community realised what was happening.  Photo: Cr Catherine Ehrhardt

Lot 14, Carters Land, features a dense tree canopy, wetland and thriving wildlife: an ecosystem the City of Bayswater says is intimately connected with the bird sanctuary and helps keep it viable.  

Lots 6 - 10 next door, Skipper's Row, are empty. 

This is what the environmental assessment showed the land to look like, while the next map shows Carters Land as thickly ...
This is what the environmental assessment showed the land to look like, while the next map shows Carters Land as thickly covered with trees.  Photo: Emma Young

The WAPC got an application to subdivide Carters and Skipper's for a big housing development. 

But ABN Group, acting on behalf of the developer, only commissioned an environmental assessment for Skipper's Row, which of course was deemed insignificant.


By contrast, an array of Perth experts have gone on the record to vouch for the environmental significance of Carters Land, including Kingsley Dixon, internationally renowned researcher, former director of science at Kings Park and 2016 WA Scientist of the Year; BirdLife Australia; and independently commissioned botanists and environmental consultants. 

Government agencies tasked with assessing the report on Skipper's Row apparently did not question  why the report covered only half the area to be developed.

While the development is planned for both Carters and Skipper's, the environmental study was done on Skippers, a bare ...
While the development is planned for both Carters and Skipper's, the environmental study was done on Skippers, a bare patch of earth.  

The Department of Parks and Wildlife told the WA Planning Commission it had "no comment", even though it told the City of Bayswater last year that it would encourage a buffer zone protecting the wetland.

The WAPC duly approved the development despite an impassioned letter from the City of Bayswater detailing potentially catastrophic effects on the wetland and pleading for a buffer zone.

The environmental report does not pretend to be an assessment of Lot 14,
The environmental report does not pretend to be an assessment of Lot 14,  Photo: Emma Young

A third of Carters was then bulldozed in a day before amazed community members, who had until then thought it part of the sanctuary, and who then marched on Planning Minister Donna Faragher's office demanding answers.

Ms Faragher requested a temporary halt to clearing to find out more, while City of Bayswater environmental officers helped the community move a population of oblong turtles from the Carters Land wetland to safety. 

Meanwhile, local councillor Chris Cornish lodged a Freedom of Information application to see what the approval had been based on because he "couldn't believe the approval was granted and that DPaW had no objections."

"A massive mistake has been made and the people want to know who is responsible for it. It's clear that the environmental departments have failed in their duties," he said. 

"I suspect the key error was when the WAPC, and other government departments, failed to notice that the environmentally sensitive Carters Land was not a part of the environmental assessment report they based their decisions on. This was a blunder.

"Rather than be brushed under the carpet, this whole failure of proper process needs to be looked at.

"And never again should a strongly worded letter from a local government be so easily dismissed."

The WAPC insisted that the environmental report did not solely consider Skippers Row, despite the report explicitly stating that it was assessing Skippers Row, Lots 6-10, which it described as a grassed area vegetated only at the boundary. 

Site maps shown in the report also show show the land assessed was Lots 6-10 only.

The WAPC said again the assessment included "all land subject to the subdivision approval and considered all land within one kilometre of the site, including Lot 14 (Carters)".

While the report does mention doing a fauna search within one kilometre of the site and finding seven protected species, its only comment on this is that Skipper's Row is not a habitat for those. 

It does not purport to have made any assessment of the vegetation or habitat function of Carters. In fact, Lot 14 is not mentioned at all. 

"The environmental report assessed the vegetation along the north-western boundary of the site, which is where the cul-de-sac heads are proposed to be located," the WAPC said. 

But the report features only one line mentioning that the Skippers Row lots have vegetation on their northwest boundary and "several trees and shrubs" would need removal "and/or pruning". 

Again, it does not purport to be an assessment of the Carters Land or the extensive clearing work proposed for it. 

The WAPC said it gave the report to the departments of Environment Regulation, Parks and Wildlife, and Water for comment as part of the subdivision referral and it received no objections, but did not address the fact that those agencies were also dealing with an incomplete report.

"Further, in response to a third party referral lodged with it recently, the Environmental Protection Authority has determined that the subdivision as proposed (relating to both Skippers Row and Carters Land) is unlikely to have a significant effect on the environment," it added. 

ABN has been contacted for comment. 

Planning Minister Donna Faragher said WAPC followed due process and correctly relied on the advice of the relevant departments.

She said the approval was lawful and its status was not in question.

A spokeswoman confirmed the Minister's position was that the report covered Lot 14. 

Bamford Consulting Ecologists, which residents commissioned for an independent assessment of Lot 14 themselves, did an assessment and reported that Carter's Block and its distinctive seasonal wetland contributed to biodiversity in the area by being different from, and thus complementing the recognised values of Eric Singleton Bird Sanctuary. 

"The separation of the Carter's Block wetland from the Eric Singleton wetland ensures a natural seasonal hydrological cycle that supports several frog species and a rich aquatic invertebrate fauna, with the latter likely to assist waterbirds that breed at Eric Singleton," they wrote. 

"Similarly, the large and old Paperbark trees of Carter's Block complement the remnant upland vegetation of the adjacent council property and this combination may help to support bushbirds in the area even beyond the boundaries of Eric Singleton and Carter's Block."

The request to put works on hold still stands, pending the City of Bayswater exploring options to buy Carters.

Bayswater's mayor and councillors will meet with the owners on Thursday, alongside WAPC and Department of Planning representatives, in a negotiation to see if the council can buy the lot.

The local 'No Houses in Wetlands' group is holding another rally on October 11 against the development, this time in an effort to have the government declare a Planning Control Area to protect the zone and enable a land swap.

The WAPC prepared a draft Guideline for the Determination of Wetland Buffer Requirements in 2005 for public comment but does not appear to have ever finalised this document.

The WAPC's Guide to Subdivision Applications states that information about environmental features that may affect the proposal, including native vegetation, rivers and watercourses, wetlands and catchments, should accompany proposals.