WA News

Cheaper by the pint? Not at these Perth pubs

We've all heard the saying "cheaper by the dozen" and more often than not based our own purchases on the notion.

For beer drinkers around pubs in Western Australia, it's commonly expected that the bigger the beer you buy, the better the value, right? 

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What's happened to the pint

Journalist David Prestipino explains what some pubs are doing with the pint, you might as well grab a middy.

Well, not in this day and age, where some Perth pubs have taken to serving smaller schooner-size glasses over the traditional pint (568ml) - but still selling them at pint prices.

One Perth punter decided to test the "cheaper by the dozen" concept with some friends at his nearest pub after reading an expose on WAtoday about his local selling schooners as pints.

Engineer Patrick MacQuillan went to The Wembley Hotel a few weeks back and, after asking the bartender for a pint, was apparently not told they were no longer available, but his beer was still poured in one of the venue's new 480ml schooners.

"We tested them out and asked for a pint and were not corrected... instead we were given a 480ml," Mr Macquillan said. 


"But their pricing still looked like pint versus middy so, being an engineer and used to playing with numbers, I did a quick calculation on the Carlton Draught and couldn't believe what I found."

Mr Macquillan took a photo of The Wembley's beer board and crunched all the numbers when he got home. What he found flew in the face of modern shopping economics.

There are now at least three sizes of beer at Perth pubs - the middy, the schooner and the pint.
There are now at least three sizes of beer at Perth pubs - the middy, the schooner and the pint. Photo: James Mooney

"What I found was that for 15 of the 17 beers advertised at the pub, it was less cost effective to buy a large beer," Mr Macquillan said.

"It's a commonly-understood practice that the bigger the beer, the cheaper the beer.

More than meets the eye: The beer prices at The Wembley Hotel.
More than meets the eye: The beer prices at The Wembley Hotel. Photo: Patrick MacQuillan

"A jug, which is four middies, is always cheaper than buying four middies separately. A pint, which is two middies, is always cheaper than two middies."

Mr Macquillan's discovery was enough to get us hopping mad, so we decided to crunch the numbers of beer prices per glass at a few other Perth pubs around town, with surprising results.

Not-quite-a-pint at the Wembley Hotel.
Not-quite-a-pint at the Wembley Hotel. Photo: David Prestipino

Of the pubs we visited that had started serving draught beer in schooners rather than traditional pint glasses (568ml), it was much less cost-effective to buy the venue's bigger beer.

  • The Windsor Hotel

The Windsor Hotel recently stopped serving tap beer in traditional pint glasses and switched to 425ml schooner glasses, to complement their 285ml middy glasses.

Of the 12 beers the pub now has on tap, only one was cheaper by the millilitre in the bigger glass - the Guinness, which ironically is the only draught beer the pub still serves in a traditional 568ml glass.

  • The Wembley

The Wembley recently told us they had switched to schooners because its offering of draught beer was more boutique and bars over east and in Europe were all using schooners. It has copped massive backlash from its once-faithful band of followers, with the pub even forced to shut its Facebook page after it received too much criticism following our initial expose on WAtoday.

By Mr Macquillan's calculations, which WAtoday has verified, only two of The Wembley's 17 beers on tap are more cost-effective by the new 480ml schooner glass - the Mercury Cider and the Peroni.

  • Northbridge Brewing Company

This tri-level, inner-city microbrewery thankfully doesn't take itself too seriously, still pouring its boutique beers in the traditional 568ml pint glass and 285ml middy glass.

Of the nine beers it offers on tap, all nine work out cheaper by the pint - the way things are traditionally meant to be.

  • The Grosvenor

This CBD pub caught our eye because, rather than ditch the traditional pint for the fancier schooner, it simply implemented three different prices for three different glass sizes - genius!

Of the 15 beers the venue serves on tap, 14 are cheaper (relatively) by the pint size.

Mr Macquillan said he and his friends thought it ridiculous that pubs around Perth were forgoing what the average consumer would think was still in place.

"The Wembley is preying on people's assumptions on these common pricing models," he said.

"Basically we felt like our trust had been breached. We like to support our local but not if they're going to treat us like idiots."

Australian Hotels Association CEO Bradley Woods was non-committal on the issue.

"Pricing is an individual matter for all hospitality venues to determine on a product-by-product basis," he said.

"Most of the pricing at The Wembley Hotel has price parity between the 480ml and 285ml. Some popular draught products are rounded down per ml for smaller serves.

"The Wembley Hotel has happy hour every weekday...when all large beers are $8."

Good thing someone around here knows the difference between a large beer and a pint.