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The real story of how Gonski was corrupted

"Gross inequalities": federal Education Minister Simon Birmingham.

On the eve of discussions with the states about how schools will be funded in what he is calling a post-Gonski world, federal Education Minister Simon Birmingham is huffing and puffing about how Gonski (which he knows is extremely popular with just about everyone except federal Liberal education ministers) has been "corrupted" anyway.

Greens build on 25 years in Queensland


Being a "minor" party in a deeply entrenched two-party system is never easy, particular when eschewing the big developer and corporate donations that the "major" parties rely on so much.

Official nudging works. Now, do more with it.

There is growing evidence that behaviourally-informed approaches can help officials to tackle the largest challenges.

There is growing evidence that behaviourally informed approaches can help officials to tackle the largest challenges, including persistent poverty, inadequate education, climate change and crime.

PM's cowardice

Not seeing the light – married churchgoers Malcolm and Lucy Turnbull.

Malcolm Turnbull's cowardice has further tainted the plebiscite proposal with bad faith and it deserves to be voted down in the Senate. His persistent appeasement of the religious lobby undermined the integrity of the plebiscite concept.

A silly frenzy

American journalist and author Lionel Shriver has dangled a red rag in front of certain well-intentioned groups.

The real difficulty is that we're dealing with the realm of the made-up. And if there is a truth in fiction it surely has to come, as Shriver says, from the free exercise of the imagination.

LA Confidential screenwriter who launched Crowe's career

Curtis Hanson enjoyed a spell as an A-list Hollywood director, although his later films made little impact.

Curtis Hanson, the screenwriter and director, who has died aged 71, was a Hollywood also-ran – best known as the journeyman director-for-hire of hit thrillers such as The Hand that Rocks the Cradle (1992) and The River Wild (1994) – until he made LA Confidential (1997), a film noir thriller adapted from James Ellroy's labyrinthine novel set in the sun-drenched streets of 1950s Hollywood.

Banksy street art exhibition is ridiculous

Yeah, nice one. Banksy rats in Flinders Lane were inadvertently removed by a council worker in 2010.

Mr Doyle has spoken in support of 'New York style' no-tolerance policies where 'vandals' are imprisoned for up to a year and police have the power to issue multiple charges for each piece of graffiti. So it seems more that a bit rich for him to now be welcoming the world's most famous street artist to Federation Square with such open arms.

Fear and loathing and the presidential debate

There's a lot riding on the debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

It is likely that the international focus on the race will be even higher than in 2012. Then, according to a Pew Global Attitudes Project report, more than a third of populations in countries as diverse as Britain, Germany, Jordan, Lebanon, China, India, and Japan where either "closely or somewhat closely" following the presidential campaign.

Greater love hath no Doggie

Bulldogs captain Robert Murphy.

The messiah was probably the biggest sign. He took the form of a boy wearing phys-ed gear, which was all blue ("the right colour blue") with red-and-white bands around the arms and waist.

The case for the middle class

"We are a nation that can no longer house its own children": Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen.

Two weeks ago in Sydney I gave a speech entitled the "Case for Openness", in which I argued that openness to trade and immigration has been vital to our economic success over the last quarter of a century and is going to be equally important to keeping our economic growth story going into the future.

Dying with dignity: it's a no-brainer

Activists rally to support a Dying with Dignity bill.

Ever since having seen my late mother suffer so much when all she wanted was to slip away peacefully, I have been a strong public advocate, for others and for myself, of Dying with Dignity.

Why Victorians should be barracking for the GWS Giants. Really.

Cartoon by BEN COADY. Sock. Knox.

Ultimately, and remarkably, for all 10 Victorian teams to survive in their current form, the Giants need to be successful. The game needs to continue to grow. Australian football is not yet ingrained in Sydney's culture. In Sydney's west, it's not even close.

State government's train shame

Cartoon: Matt Golding

Payments on the three Metro Trains Melbourne contracts have grown well ahead of inflation, and, in 2015, cost at least $1.1 billion in tax dollars and fare revenue. Public reporting on this billion-dollar annual expenditure should make the government blush with shame.

Systemic change need to address gender equality in the APS

Agencies are undertaking a range of initiatives to progress gender equality.

Gender equality is currently a hot topic in Canberra, partly due to the Australian Government's stated commitment to removing barriers which may be impeding women's progress in the Australian Public Service. Views on how best to achieve this, however, differ.