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Gardening Articles

The easiest plants to grow from cuttings

Aug 22, 2016 · Rob Schneider

There's something amazing about taking a cutting and seeing it turn into a beautiful plant.

The best flowering plants for spring

Aug 16, 2016 · Rob Schneider

What are the best flowering plants for spring? These six favourites will give you a colourful display in your garden.

10 things to do in the garden in August

Aug 15, 2016 · Rob Schneider

August is the perfect month to get out into your garden and prepare it for the spring and summer months.

How to get your garden ready for spring

Aug 1, 2016 · Rob Schneider

These six tips will help you get your garden ready for spring.

The best fruit, herbs and vegetables to grow on your balcony

Jul 26, 2016 · Rob Schneider

You want to grow your own fruits, herbs and vegetables, but your balcony is your only outdoor space. Don't let that hold you back.

5 fast growing trees to use for shade

Jul 25, 2016 · Rob Schneider

Some of these fast growing trees can grow to an enormous size, so choose a tree that suits your garden and enjoy the shade.

7 trees to avoid planting in your backyard

Jul 21, 2016 · Rob Schneider

Here are seven trees you don't want to plant in your backyard no matter how beautiful they are.

5 of the best hedges for creating privacy

Jul 20, 2016 · Rob Schneider

Here are five of the best hedges for creating a private space in your garden.

The best plants for large gardens

Jul 20, 2016 · Rob Schneider

Should you choose trees, shrubs or ground cover? The answer is usually all three, but some plants are better for large gardens than others.

5 features of contemporary gardens

Jul 18, 2016 · Kat Tate

Here are 5 quintessential features of a contemporary garden to adopt for your space.

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