
Hatewatch monitors and exposes the activities of the American radical right.

Showing 5981 Results
September 12, 2016

What white nationalists like about Trump; Tony Perkins defends Trump ties to alt-right; Who’s who in racist White Lives Matter; and more.

September 09, 2016

How Tony Perkins came to embrace Trump; ‘Pokemon Go Nazi Challenge’ is a thing; AirBnB takes steps against discrimination; and more.

September 08, 2016

Despite his youth, Kyle Bristow, the white nationalist who recently started the Foundation for the Marketplace of Ideas to confront so-called "social justice warriors," has a long history on the radical right. His ex-wife Ashley Herzog last year published an essay about their marriage that was quickly taken offline. Hatewatch reached out to Herzog to talk about the essay, her time with Bristow, an attorney in Michigan, and just what it's like to be so close to one of the Alt-Right's most vicious attack dogs. 

September 08, 2016

Jones certain ‘the election will be rigged’; Bundy wants to wear boots at trial; ‘Blue Lives Matter’ takes on racist hue; and more.

September 07, 2016

A federal judge in North Dakota followed prosecutors’ recommendations in sentencing a Minnesota man to 15 years in prison Tuesday for using a Molotov cocktail to burn down a Somali café in Grand Forks, N.D., late last year

September 07, 2016

Prosecutors drop Santilli’s Oregon charges; Trump touts Boykin endorsement; Sandy Hook ‘hoaxers’ meet their match; and more.

September 06, 2016

Schlafly passes away at 92; Trump’s allies at Values Voters Summit; Breitbart smears Chobani owner in vile fashion; and more.


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