The Dissenter

Whistleblower Chelsea Manning is being threatened with indefinite solitary confinement (via Chelsea Manning Support Network)
21 Sep 2016

Documents From Chelsea Manning Show How Army Is Punishing Her For Suicide Attempt

Chelsea Manning has released documents, which offer a glimpse into how the United States Army is punishing her for attempting suicide in July.

Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein speaks to a crowd at the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. Photo by Dave Rosenblum
21 Sep 2016

Your Vote For Jill Stein Is Not A Wasted Vote

Voters are tired of progressive commentators, who are so insecure with the state of politics that all they do is lecture people trying to build alternatives.

Screen shot from Jill Sobule's music video for "America Back"
20 Sep 2016

Protest Song Of The Week: ‘America Back’ by Jill Sobule

Jill Sobule’s song, “America Back,” was performed at rallies for the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign, and it has been part of her repertoire for the past two to three years. It is now featured on a major crowd-funded protest songs compilation album that is forthcoming. “America BacK” is a robust

Dr. Jill Stein, Green Party candidate for President, gets photos taken with supporters in Nebraska. Photo by Matt Johnson on Flickr.
19 Sep 2016

The ‘Protest Vote’ Once Again Has The Liberal Establishment In a Frenzy

Millennials who vote for Stein or Johnson do not represent some “protest vote.” They support more democracy in politics.


The Bullpen

Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf testifies before the Senate Banking Committee. Still from CSPAN Broadcast.
21 Sep 2016

Wells Fargo CEO Tells Congress Bank’s Culture Not To Blame

On Tuesday, Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf testified before the Senate Banking Committee regarding the company’s recent fraudulent account scandal.

Still image from video of Black Lives Matter protester confronting Hillary Clinton about her "superpredator" comment. Source:
19 Sep 2016

Hillary Clinton Offers Millennials A Misleading Look At Her Record In Op-Ed

The Clinton campaign continues to believe her problem with Millennials is that her message isn’t reaching them. The actual problem is the message itself.

ITT Technical Institute. Photo by Forsaken Fotos on Flickr.
15 Sep 2016

ITT Tech Students Start Debt Strike

Over 100 former students of the now-defunct for-profit ITT Technical Institute have announced a debt strike against their government-issued student loans.

Wells Fargo. Photo By Ildar Sagdejev (Specious) - Own work, GFDL,
14 Sep 2016

Wells Fargo CEO Refuses To Resign After Massive Fraud Exposed

Employees who wanted to increase their sales numbers used privileged customer information to apply and/or acquire products and services without customers’ knowledge.

Hillary Clinton leaves 9/11 memorial after feeling ill. Photo by Zdenek Gazda (zgazda66) on Twitter.
12 Sep 2016

Hillary Clinton Collapses At 9/11 Memorial, Health Questions Raised

What illness is Hillary Clinton suffering from?

Aerial view of the Pentagon, Arlington, VA (by Mariordo Camila Ferreira & Mario Duran Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons)
07 Sep 2016

Inspector General Report: Pentagon Misreporting Trillions Of Dollars

The Pentagon has been caught, once again, not keeping track of where the money is going and remains unable to go through an audit.


Sharp Edges

Photo by The All-Nite Images on Flickr.
19 Sep 2016

Delete Your Account – Episode 17: Slavery Never Ended

Roqayah and Kumars interview several organizers affiliated with the prison labor strike currently happening at dozens of facilities across the country.

Fidencio Sanchez (Source:
16 Sep 2016

When Charity Tokenizes Laborers And Fuels Loathing Of Working Class

Ninety year-old Fidencio Sanchez has sold popsicles in Chicago for nearly 76 years, according to an interview with CNN. “I feel my body is starting to give up on me,” Sanchez said. “I suffer sometimes when it’s cold, and my arms and feet hurt.” Sanchez’s elderly wife, Eladia, used to help

In San Francisco, a solidarity protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline. (Photo by Peg Hunter)
12 Sep 2016

Struggle To Kill Dakota Access Pipeline Reinvigorated By Obama Intervention

While viewed as a small victory, U.S. government intervention emboldens indigenous resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota.

Sacred Stone Camp. Photo by Joe Brusky on Flickr.
10 Sep 2016

Delete Your Account – Episode 16: Oil And Water #NoDAPL

Roqayah and Kumars interview Ruth H. Hopkins, a Lakota and Dakota of the Great Sioux Nation, and an enrolled member of the Sisseton Wahpeton Dakota Nation.

Still from "Boy Of War." Source:
06 Sep 2016

‘Boy From War’ Filmmakers Describe Power Of Animation To Present Trauma Of War

Shadowproof interviewed Usama Alshaibi and Eman Akram Nader about the subject of their unique and stunning project, “Boy Of War.”

Delete Your Account logo by Roqayah Chamseddine
06 Sep 2016

Delete Your Account – Episode 15: We Are Workers

On this very special Labor Day episode, Roqayah and Kumars interview Emmett Rensin, a writer and contributing editor of the Los Angeles Review of Books. He is also a University of Iowa graduate student and proud, dues-paying member of United Electrical Workers Local 896, better known as the Coalition of


The Next Cold War

US Sec. State John Kerry and Russian FM Sergey Lavrov at UN Security Council Meeting on Sep. 21 (by Dept. of State)
21 Sep 2016

Spartacus on Deir Ez-Zor Express; Kerry Demands NFZ; Predator Drone Near Convoy

Next Cold War Roundup 9/21/16 The White House blames Russia for attacks on a humanitarian aid convoy. Russia denies and says a US predator drone was flying in the area at the time of the attack. Kerry called for a no-fly zone. Three “Spartacus” countries stepped up to say they

US special forces in al-Rai, Syria (via Twitter)
16 Sep 2016

US-Backed FSA Threatens Slaughter of US Commandos; American Flag Flying in Border Town

US special forces deployed to work with Turkish forces in Operation Euphrates Shield were threatened by US-backed Free Syrian Army forces, and more in our round-up.

Israeli Air Force flight for Israel's 63rd Independence Day, 2011. (By IDF, CC BY 2.0)
13 Sep 2016

Rebels Reject Deal; Syrian Forces Claim Shootdown of Israeli Plane Bombing Golan

Next Cold War Roundup 9/13/16 US and Russia reached a deal on Syria for a ceasefire, humanitarian aid, and later military cooperation and a roadmap for political transition. The Syrian government accepted the deal while the major opposition rebel groups rejected it, issuing some demands to secure their agreement. The

Lt. Gen. Townsend, and Col. Nugen observe a HIMARS artillery rocket strike in Iraq. Sep., 2016 (by Capt. Alvis, USMC
09 Sep 2016

US HIMARS Rocket Strikes in Syria From Turkey; Carter’s Oxford Speech Pressures Russia

The US has deployed HIMARS rocket artillery and troops in Turkey near the Syrian border and, in the last week, has launched rocket attacks into northern Syria.

Photos taken from the Norse Attack Map. By Christiaan Colen on Flickr.
08 Sep 2016

With Russia Paranoia, Corporate Media Becomes Sales Force For Cyberwar

The next Cold War is upon us. And, in what looks like an act of profound laziness, Russia is once again the focus of the establishment’s ire and dark fantasies.

G20 Evening Gala. Hangzhou, China. Sept., 2016 (by Pete Souza)
06 Sep 2016

Syrian Forces Surround Eastern Aleppo; CIA-Backed Rebel Shot British Journo

At the G20, Pres. Obama met with Turkish Pres. Erdogan, where he promised to help bring coup plotters to justice, and with Russian Pres. Putin, where they failed to agree on a Syria deal.


Prison Protest

Photo: @GarrettGraham1
21 Sep 2016

Massive Prison Strike Against Slave Labor Expands To 46 Facilities

A prison strike against slave labor that is entering its third week has expanded to 46 facilities, with multiple lockdowns reported.

Children gather around a sculpture of a fist at the FICPFM conference in Oakland. Photo by Victoria Nam.
15 Sep 2016

‘It’s All By Force’: Formerly Incarcerated People Speak Out On Prison Reform

Formerly incarcerated leaders of the criminal justice movement share their perspectives on reform during a national conference in Oakland, California.

Graffiti from a solidarity action in Oakland, California (Photo by @lrsphm)
12 Sep 2016

Prison Strike Against Slave Labor Spreads To At Least Twelve States

Years of prisoner organizing and resistance culminated on September 9, as a national labor strike against slave-like conditions escalated.

Still from "Toughest Prisons in America - Lewisburg Federal Documentary." Source:
07 Sep 2016

Changes To Federal Solitary Confinement Rules Modestly Improve Cruel Conditions

The Bureau of Prisons changed its policies governing Special Management Units in federal prisons, but they are unlikely to meaningfully improve living conditions.

Imam Siddique Abdullah Hasan. Photo via Lucasville Amnesty. Source:
01 Sep 2016

Muslim Prisoner Accuses Ohio Supermax Prison Of Retaliation For Involvement In Planned Strike

Siddique Hasan says he is facing retaliation from prison officials, who are making false claims that he asked a staff imam to wear a bomb into the prison.

Still image from "Attica Prison Riot - William Kunstler: Disturbing the Universe . POV on PBS" on Youtube. Source:
31 Aug 2016

The Legacy Of Attica: Prisoners Plan Labor Strike For Rebellion’s Anniversary

Prisoners across the country have planned a national labor strike action for September 9, 2016, the 4th anniversary of the rebellion at the Attica State Prison.


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