BBC World ServiceEgiaztatu kontua


News, views and highlights from the BBC’s international radio station.

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  1. Most post-traumatic stress sufferers are women. Hear one woman's story of her terror - and recovery.

  2. New campaign is trying to get re-released the iconic disk sent into space on board the Voyager almost 40 years ago 📻

  3. Thomas Thwaites, who spent 3 days living as a goat, won one of this year's Prizes. Here's why he did it: 📻

  4. Nigerian president's Special Advisor says Buhari was willing to pay Boko Haram to get back the Chibok girls 📻

  5. Marching for peace: Eleven people walked for 250 km through Somalia to show their country is safe 📻

  6. Can putting on a professional persona give you added confidence? 📻

  7. The Australian family whose lives were changed by a pig. 📻

  8. Fish can 'sing' - apparently it sounds like the "cooing of doves". 📻

  9. Kashmir unrest "the anger is so huge they say 'doctor, we don't care about our eyes, we are going back to protest'"

  10. Cuddly pets or ruthless killers? The case for keeping your cat on a lead. 📻

  11. Recycling entrepreneur Adebiyi-Abiola got a startling business offer live on air 📻

  12. "A deep-seated degree of racism." Head of one of 's largest African American churches on protests. 📻

  13. Grey squirrels are considered by many to be pests. But would you eat one? 📻

  14. "It was the high point of my life." Swimming with a mother seal and pup in Antarctica 📻

  15. - Profile of the record-breaking rookie 📻

  16. Disney has pulled this children's costume from sale because of accusations of cultural appropriation

  17. Paralysed by her violent husband: the woman who inspired Brazil's "Maria da Penha" law ten years ago 📻

  18. Turkey's government wants to shut all Gülen schools. But what exactly do they do? 📻

    Turkish Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, sits at his residence in Saylorsburg, USA
  19. How are these bright condoms helping Indian lorry drivers?

  20. Why acting out of character can be exciting – but can also come at a cost 📻

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